



D: Well, here's the reason the skin was funny.
S: Formaldehyde, right?
D: Close. Biotone arterial. Promotes high diffusion and fast drainage in skin tissue.
S: So I was right. ____.
D: Yeah. Yeah, I already ran her prints through work here. Got an I.D. right here. I, uh, I just want to say I-I ... well, ____.
S: ____, David? ____. ____. You've gotta drop the glasses, lose the coat, grow some scruff. You do get a "C" for cute, though. "Stephanie Reyes was laid to rest at Desert Haven Funeral Home." Her funeral was last week.

This woman's been embalmed I really admire the gusto with which you approach your job Are you hitting on me Let me give you some friendly advice If you want to pull chicks, you've got to get aggressive
DAVID PHILLIPS: 嗯,她皮肤上面的东西很有意思。 SARA: 甲醛,对吧? DAVID PHILLIPS: 差不多!是动脉脱水药品。能够让皮肤组织提高扩散能力,使体内迅速脱水。 SARA: 那么说来,这女的尸体被人涂抹过防腐药剂。 DAVID PHILLIPS: 对,没错。我已经把她的指纹取下。通过检验,已得知她的身份。我,呃,我想说,我……我真的很佩服你……佩服你工作的热情。 SARA: 你想追我吗,大卫?给你些友好的建议吧。如果你真想追女孩,首先你必须大胆些。把眼镜摘下,脱掉你的白大褂,锻炼一下肌肉。但是你还是比较可爱的。“斯蒂芬妮.莱斯在沙漠港口殡仪馆永远地安息了”。她上个礼拜就出殡了。