I didn't think twice. " I was going to open a new account," I said, " but after seeing what' s going on here, I think I' ve changed my mind."   "Excuse me?" he said.   "Look ", I said. " If I understand what's going on here correctly, what you're saying is that this boy is old enough to deposit his money in your bank but he's not old enough to withdraw it. And since there doesn't seem to be any question as to whether it's his money or his account, the bank's so-called policy is clearly ridiculous."   " It may seem ridiculous to you," he replied in a voice rising slightly in irritation, " but that is the bank's policy and I have no other choice but to follow the rules."
我没多想。“我原来准备开个新帐户,”我说,“但是我看到了刚才发生的事,我想我已经改变主意了。”   “我不明白,请原谅。”他说。   “哦,”我说,“如果我对刚刚发生在这的事理解正确的话,那么你是在说,按照这个男孩的年龄,他可以在你们银行存钱但不能取钱。既然他的钱或者账户没有任何问题,那么你们银行的所谓规定显然是荒唐可笑的。”   “这在你看来也许荒谬,”他回答说,愤怒中他的嗓门稍微抬高了些,“但是那是银行的规定,我别无选择,只能照章办事。”