




J: Don't worry, Pops.  I'll be okay.
C: My grandson going to jail is never okay. You stay alive in there. You hear me?
J: You, too. __①__.
W: __②__. James ... __③__. Here. Here's my cell number. You run into any problems you call me. I'll be right there. All right? Keep your head up.
C: You didn't have to do that - give James your number. I've seen other law enforcement people in my day ...
W: "My day." __④__. Yeah, I gave her a lot of rough nights, too.  She used to call me her "__⑤__."
C: Yeah.  Well ... she did something right.
W: Maybe.

Don't be going downhill Hold on the first couple of days are gonna be the toughest Reminds me of my grandmother work in progress
JAMES MOORE: 别担心,爷爷。我没事的。 CHARLES MOORE: 对我来说孙子进了监狱我不可能没事的。在里面坚强点,好好得活。听到了吗? JAMES MOORE: 你也是。别太不开心。 WARRICK: 等等,詹姆斯。开头那几天是最难过的。给这是我的手机号码,有什么麻烦的话,打电话给我,我会马上赶来。懂吗?把头抬起来。 CHARLES MOORE: 你无需这么做,把号码给詹姆斯。在我那时代我见过不少无视法律的罪犯…… WARRICK: "我那时代"。这让我想起了我的祖母。我当时也让她担心得经常夜不能寐。她总是说我是她的 “工作进行时。” CHARLES MOORE: 是啊,嗯……她做得对。 WARRICK: 也许吧。