
A: Bring $2 million in hundreds to Charleston and Third in three hours or your wife dies. __①__ - she still dies.
J: This guy thinks it's some kind of joke using a voice like that.
N: __②__, sir, electronically.
G: We don't consider it a joke at all.
A: Bring $2 million in hundreds ...
J: You guys have listened to that tape like, 20 times.  Will somebody please go out and find my wife?
G: Mr. Garris, please. Sometimes, if you listen closely you can hear a lot.
J: I don't hear anything.
G: Right. Where do you hear nothing in Las Vegas? The desert. And, judging by what sounds like a low frequency buzz in the background, possibly near power lines.
J:: How'd you hear all that?
G: I listen.
B: Right, okay, all right, got it. I just spoke with the FBI. __③__, but we have to handle it.
J: Uh, detective, wait. What are my chances here ... of-of Laura ... f-for Laura?
B: It's a three-hour window.
J: Will somebody just tell me the truth?
B: __④__.
N: In a car trunk - that kind of thing.
B: It's a form of passive murder if you want to be, uh...'honest' about it.
J: Then you guys have got to move.
G: Mr. Garris ... it's my experience that, __⑤__.
Stop me from taking the money He's altering his voice They'll back us up if we need it A ransom message with a short fuse means that the victim's situation will cause her to expire by or before the deadline regardless of what we do in situations like this if you wanna go fast, go slow
ALTERED VOICE: 准备好200万美元100元面值的,在三个小时内赶到查尔斯顿第三大街,否则你就要和你的妻子永别了。我拿不到钱...她也会死。 JACK GARRIS: 这家伙以为用这样的声音说话...是开玩笑。 NICK: 他通过电子设备实现了变音,长官。 GRISSOM: 我们不认为这是个玩笑。 ALTERED VOICE: 准备好200万美元100元面值的... JACK GARRIS: 你们把这卷磁带听了...有20次了吧。那现在有没有人能帮我找回妻子? GRISSOM: 加里斯先生,听着,有时假如你听得够仔细,你能听出很多东西。 JACK GARRIS: 我没有听到什么。 GRISSOM: 对了。在拉斯维加斯,哪里会如此安静让你完全听不到东西。沙漠,再通过背景声中的低频噪声来判断,也许是接近电线杆那里。 JACK GARRIS: 你怎么能听出那些的? GRISSOM: 因为我用心去听。 BRASS: 好的,行,好,明白了。我刚跟联邦调查局谈过。他们说如果有需要他们可以增援,但我们得处理好。 JACK GARRIS: 呃,探长,等等我在这里等到...找到罗拉...会有机会吗? BRASS:我们还有三个小时时间。 JACK GARRIS: 有没有人能告诉我真相? BRASS: 这么一种带有狂躁语气的要求赎金的信息,意味着无论我们採取什么措施,她都有可能...在最后期限之时或之前已经死亡。 NICK: 他们是在一辆小型卡车...之类的东西。 BRASS: 这是被动谋杀的一种形式,如果你想...听实话的话。 JACK GARRIS: 那你们还不快行动。 GRISSOM: 加里斯先生,我的经验告诉我,在这种情况下,欲速则不达。