XNDk5ODk3NTYw/ [b][color=#DC143C] 填句听写,不抄全文,不写序号,句子最后标点不用写出,答完一空另起一行继续作答。 若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 [/color][/b] [b]Hints: 【犯罪心理】S01E04(1) 一首关于死亡的歌谣 [/b] May I see you in your office for a moment? 1_________________? Yes. We have a technician at quantico who can tap into your phone system. He's gonna call us? Well, he's gone out of his way to show you how scary he is. And 2_________________ in connection with his crimes he's gonna be furious. Furious enough to call. Later, man. See ya. FBI. You're under arrest. You're under arrest for the attempted rape of Marcia Gordon. What?! The FBI's behavioral analysis unit was called in yesterday afternoon by the San Diego police department to assist in the ongoing Tommy killer investigation. The unit is headed-- I can now announce that our office has assisted in making an arrest in connection with the investigation. That's all I can say at this time. He confessed to Mrs. Gordon's attack before we even got to the car. Thanks, Elle. Should just make the 11:00 news. 3______________? Yeah, couldn't miss him. Good. Now we wait. Contact Garcia. Go for Mrs. Penelope Garcia. Ready with the trap and trace? Peaches, 4______________. I am always ready. With the awesome power I have in this room all I need is 5_______________. 15 seconds? If that.
You have a tip line for the public when the 11:00 news leads with the capture of a six-foot-tall black man Did they get good footage this is the office of unmitigated superiority 15 seconds on the phone to nail this skeevy perv