XNDk4MDQ2Mzg4/ [b][color=#DC143C] 填句听写,不抄全文,不写序号,句子最后标点不用写出,答完一空另起一行继续作答。 若页面过长造成听写不便,在听写框的右上角点击“弹出答题纸”即可。 [/color][/b] [b]Hints: 戳我回顾上期节目: 【犯罪心理】S01E02(3) 他们必须接受上帝的考验 [/b] Samuel Johnson wrote, "1_____________________. " Bombings occurred within 3 miles of each other. First victim was a 74-year-old widow, Barbara Keller. 2 hours after that, Clurman got hit in his driveway, and 45 minutes later... well, we all saw that. Jill Swenson, 34-year-old housewife who lived across the street from Clurman. Of the 3, only Clurman survived. Was there any connection between the victims? One. Clurman was a partner in a $10-million condo development deal in which Keller was an investor, and a few weeks ago, 2___________. Went bust how? 3____________, the condos never got built, the land became worthless, and Clurman lost a lot of people and a lot of money. So maybe one of them was mad enough to take aim at Clurman. No, let's not get ahead of ourselves. 4_____________. Then where do we start? From the beginning. What do we know about bombers? Mostly male, loners, history of criminal activity. About 50% of all bombings are actually a product of vandalism. And more often than not, 5_____________, so the first suspects you always look for in the bombing case are the victims. Clurman was the only male. Losing a large business deal like that could be a powerful stressor. Well, then there's the crime scene. Clurman was the only victim who didn't get hit at his door. Why? What was different about this one?
almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom we cannot resemble the whole deal went bust Geologists discovered that the land was on methane It's a little too early to theorize about motive bombers end up accidentally blowing themselves up