irritating resilient low-profile low-key supportive contagious open-minded a parochial outlook toward life solitary reserved compassionate reticent bring a person out of his or her shell well-intentioned well-meaning self-deception deceitful
irritating 很烦人的 resilient 承受力强的 low-profile/low-key 低调的 supportive 支持的 contagious 有感染力的 open-minded 豁达的 a parochial outlook toward life 狭隘的生活态度 solitary 喜欢独处的 reserved 内向的 compassionate 有同情心的 reticent 不爱多说话的 bring a person out of his or her shell让某人逐渐放得开 well-intentioned/well-meaning 本意是好的 self-deception 自我欺骗 deceitful爱骗人的