recruit stiff fierce competition high-caliber blunder enthusiastic nuisance self-expression self-image self-esteem teleconference teleconferencing contentment assessment evaluation time constraints be reluctant to do something be unwilling to do something profession occupation career calling work ethic professionalism
recruit 征兵 stiff /fierce competition 激烈的竞争 high-caliber 高水准的 blunder 重大错误 enthusiastic 有热情的 nuisance 讨厌的东西 self-expression 自我表达 self-image 自我印象 self-esteem 自尊 teleconference /teleconferencing 远程会议 contentment 知足的状态 assessment /evaluation 评价 time constraints 时间限制 be reluctant to do something/be unwilling to do something不情愿做某事 profession /occupation 工作 career 事业 calling 天职 work ethic 敬业精神 professionalism 职业水准