XNTAwMTcwMTY4/ Hints: Rome Getae 句末不需要标点符号 A: Move to formation. Advance east. B: __1__, as the Getae advance. A: Mithridates and the Greeks are of pressing concern. __2__. __3__. We march east, to the Black Sea. Fall to formation. Fall to formation! B: No. A: You will defy order from your Legatus? B: __4__. Not to march east, to attack Mithridates. A: __5__! C: Kill them! D: Wait! Wait!
Surely you mean west You have aligned yourselves with Rome I'm its body and voice I gave my word to defend against the Getae You will march where you are commanded
A:列队。我们要东行。 B:你是说西行吧,跟盖塔人去一个方向。 A:攻打米特拉达梯人和希腊人才是当务之急。你们既然投靠了罗马。我就是罗马的权代人。我们东行,去黑海。列队。列队! B:不。 A:你居然公然反抗将军的命令? B:我承诺过要全力攻退盖塔人。没说过要东行,攻打米特拉达梯人。 A:我命令你去哪你就要往哪行军! C:杀光他们! D:等等!