
A: Yet the animal. The mark of your kind.
B: Where is she?
A: Who? That little wife of yours?
B: Where?
A: Wherever I please!
B: She served you no grievance.
A: No. None. But you …… You have grieved me. By stirring the auxiliary to desertion. Calling my command into question imperiling my standing with the senate. And then in the arena you grieve me again by not knowing when to die.
B: My life then. __1__.
A: __2__! If I wish it ceased I have but to whisper and good Batiatus will command it!
B: __3__.
A: __4__. True. I once sought death in repayment for your slights. But I see the error of that now. __5__.
In exchange for hers Your life is no longer yours to bargain Then tongue the words in his ear You mistake me Thracian Wishing for an end too quick
A:你们这种人。说到底还是畜生。 B:她在哪里? A:谁?你的小娘子? B:在哪里? A:我爱把她丢哪就丢哪! B:她与你无冤无仇。 A:是的。完全没有。但是你。。。你冒犯了我。你煽动辅备军逃跑。质疑我的军令,危及我在元老院的地位。在竞技场上你再次冒犯我在该死的时候却苟活。 B:那就用我的命换她的。 A:你的命不属于你,你没资格讨价还价!如果我要你死,只要一句话巴蒂塔斯就会照办! B:那就去说吧。 A:你误会我了,色雷斯人。没错,我曾想让你为傲慢付出死的代价。但我现在已意识错误。那太便宜你了。