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Some fish produce huge numbers of young ones. They may lay a million eggs in a year, but very few of these will ever become adult fish. Even so, because of the vast numbers of eggs laid, it does not matter that the young fish get attacked by so many enemies. But some animals do not produce so many young, and so more of them have to survive. One of the ways that some animals have adopted to keep themselves safe is protective coloring. The angelfish has stripes which make it very hard to see among reeds. The tiger also has stripes to make it hard to see in the jungle, but this is to help it in hunting. The tiger is fierce and powerful, but there are other things which help animals to find food and defend themselves. Some snakes, for instance, are extremely poisonous and can kill an animal much bigger than themselves. The giraffe has such a long neck that it can reach food that many other animals are unable to reach. When it comes to defense, some creatures can actually change their colors to blend with their surroundings. One of these is the chameleon.