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Why do animals play? The most important reason is probably to learn some of life's serious and important activities. Adult animals, for example, need to look for food, to fight, to look for a mate, and to get along with other animals of their kind. Young animals can practice these important life activities by playing. Through play, they can imitate hunting for food, fighting, and courting. They can learn how to control their movements, how to interact with their environments, and how to interact with other animals in their group. Not all animals play. In fact, animal scientists tell us that only vertebrates play, and among them, primarily the higher vertebrates. For example, insects, fish, and reptiles do not play, but most mammals do, especially when they are young. In general, we can say that highly intelligent animals play more than less intelligent animals. In other words, the higher the intelligence of the animals, the more elaborate the play will be.