
1. 答题模板
In the lecture the professor questions the reading passage’s assertion of 阅读短文中的假说 The professor puts forth the idea that 讲座中的反驳
Body paragraphs
Firstly, the reading passage mentions that 阅读短文中的假说根据1 However, the professor suggests that 讲座中的反驳理由1

Secondly, the reading passage cites that 阅读短文中的假说根据2 But the professor says that 讲座中的反驳理由2

Lastly, the reading passage says that 阅读短文中的假说根据3 The professor rebuts this by saying that 讲座中的反驳理由3

2. 标准范文
假说 In the lecture the professor questions the reading passage’s assertion of three deductions that support the discovery of a grave found in the north-east of England that belongs to King Raedwald. 反驳 The professor puts forth the idea that the grave is not necessarily King Raedwald’s
假说根据1 Firstly, the reading passage mentions that a pair of spoons identified by archaeological technology indicated its date around A.D. 620, while King Raedwald died in A.D. 624. Therefore, the occupant of the grave is very likely to be King Raedwald. 反驳理由1 However, the professor suggests that the technology might not be reliable. The spoons have also been dated to twenty-five years after the king died.

假说根据2 Secondly, the reading passage cites that the spoons engraved with the names of two Catholic missionaries indicated that they might be gifts to Raedwald, because the king converted to Catholicism. 反驳理由2 But the professor says that the spoons engraved with two missionaries’ names might be gifts to anybody who converted to Catholicism, and not necessarily King Raedwald.

假说根据3 Lastly, the reading passage says that the grave is luxurious; however, the north-east of England at that time was poor. So its occupant must be a king or a nobleman.反驳理由3 The professor rebuts this by saying that the luxurious grave simply might not be the king’s. Perhaps there used to be other rich noblemen buried in such a grave.