2003 Text 4  

  It is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitable and in California optional. Small wonder. Americans' life expectancy has nearly doubled over the past century. Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure. Such advances offer the aging population a quality of life that was unimaginable when I entered medicine 50 years ago. But not even a great health-care system can cure death — and our failure to confront that reality now threatens this greatness of ours. Death is normal; we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions. We all understand that at some level, yet as medical consumers we treat death as a problem to be solved. Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, even if it's useless. The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care. Physicians — frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient — too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified.

  In 1950, the US spent $12.7 billion on health care. In 2002, the cost will be $1540 billion. Anyone can see this trend is unsustainable. Yet few seem willing to try to reverse it. Some scholars conclude that a government with finite resources should simply stop paying for medical care that sustains life beyond a certain age — say 83 or so. Former Colorado governor Richard Lamm has been quoted as saying that the old and infirm "have a duty to die and get out of the way", so that younger, healthier people can realize their potential.

  I would not go that far. Energetic people now routinely work through their 60s and beyond, and remain dazzlingly productive. At 78, Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone jokingly claims to be 53. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C.Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s. These leaders are living proof that prevention works and that we can manage the health problems that come naturally with age. As a mere 68-year-old, I wish to age as productively as they have.

  Yet there are limits to what a society can spend in this pursuit. As a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic measures may be ineffective and painful. I also know that people in Japan and Sweden, countries that spend far less on medical care, have achieved longer, healthier lives than we have. As a nation, we may be overfunding the quest for unlikely cures while underfunding research on humbler therapies that could improve people's lives.

56. What is implied in the first sentence?
  [A] Americans are better prepared for death than other people.
  [B] Americans enjoy a higher life quality than ever before.
  [C] Americans are over-confident of their medical technology.
  [D] Americans take a vain pride in their long life expectancy.

57. The author uses the example of caner patients to show that ________.
  [A] medical resources are often wasted
  [B] doctors are helpless against fatal diseases
  [C] some treatments are too aggressive
  [D] medical costs are becoming unaffordable

58. The author's attitude to ward Richard Lamm's remark is one of ________.
  [A] strong disapproval
  [B] reserved consent
  [C] slight contempt
  [D] enthusiastic support

59. In contras to the US, Japan and Sweden are funding their medical care ________.
  [A] more flexibly
  [B] more extravagantly
  [C] more cautiously
  [D] more reasonably

60. The text intends to express the idea that ________.
  [A] medicine will further prolong people's lives
  [B] life beyond a certain limit is not worth living
  [C] death should be accepted as a fact of life
  [D] excessive demands increase the cost of health care


inevitable /in5evitEbl/ 不可避免的;必然的)←in+evitablein-否定前缀,evitable=avoidable可避免的。Change is inevitable. In a progressive country change is constant.变革不可避免,在进步的国家里变革是永恒的。In war there is no substitute for victory.在战争中没有什么可以取代胜利。Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.那些使和平改革成为不可能的人,必会使暴力革命成为可能。the inevitable of history 历史必由之路。

life expectancy 预期寿命。

depression /di5preFEn/ 消沉;萧条)←de向下+press+ion名词后缀,动词为depress(压抑;使沮丧)。Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression.高尚的行为和热水澡是治疗抑郁的最佳方法。It's recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours.邻居失业的时候就是经济衰退,自己失业的时候就是经济萧条。

cataract /5kAtErAkt/ 大瀑布;白内障)可看作cat+ar+actcat猫,ar~~act动作,“猫啊一声从‘大瀑布’里跳出来摔成了‘白内障’”,白内障的主要症状就是自觉眼睛前面有条瀑布而视物不清。

surgical /5sE:dVikEl/ 外科的;外科医生的;手术的;手术;外科病房)←surg+icalsurgery(外科;外科学;手术;手术室)←surg+erysurgeon /5sE:dVEn/ 外科医生;军医)←surg+eon

genetically /dVi5netikEli/ 由遗传决定地)←gene基因+tical形容词后缀+ly副词后缀。

disintegrate /dis5inti^reit/ 使分裂;使解体)←dis使分离+integrateintegrate(使成为一体)←integr完整+ate动词后缀;integer(整数;完整的东西);integrity(完整;诚实;正直)。

perish /5periF/ 丧生;凋谢;消亡)←per(=away)+ish动词后缀。The great tragedy of life is not that men perish but that they cease to love.人生的巨大悲剧不是人们死亡,而是他们不再去爱。Truth may languish but can never perish.真理可能衰微,但决不会灭亡。

obvious /5CbviEs/ 显而易见的)可把b看作6,再把vi看作罗马数字6,两边的两个o看作两只眼睛,-ous为形容词后缀,因为6=6,所以b=vi,这是“显而易见的”。No question is so difficult to answer as that to which the answer is obvious.最难回答的问题是答案明显的问题。All great truths are obvious truths. But no all obvious truths are great truths.所有伟大的真理都是显而易见的事实,但并非所有显而易见的事实都是伟大的真理。

aggressive /E5^resiv/ 侵略的;好斗的;有进取心的)←ag(=to)+gress+ive形容词后缀。War is an aggressive action of man to man independent of his own will.战争是人对人的侵略行为,不为其自身意志左右。

unsustainable /7QnsEs5teinEbl/ 不能持续的)即un+sustain+ableun-前缀表否定,sustain /sEs5tein/ 支撑;保持)←sus(=sub)在下面+tain(=hold)。同根词:contain(包含)←con一起+tainretain(保留)←re+tainsustainable development 可持续发展。

reverse /ri5vE:s/ 颠倒的;使倒转;背面)←re(=back)+verse(=turn)The historian is a prophet in reverse.史学家是颠倒的预言家。

infirm /in5fE:m/ 虚弱的;不坚固的)←in否定前缀+firm坚固的。

potential /pE5tenF(E)l/ 潜在的;潜力)可看作pot+ent+ialpot即“罐子”,-ent-ial是后缀,“暂时藏在罐子里面的东东”→潜在的、潜力。Most of us haven't begun to tap our own potential for happiness.我们大多数人尚未着手开发自身获得幸福的潜力。

routinely /ru:5ti:nli/ 例行公事地)←routine+lyroutine可看作由routein组成→“按路线走的”→常规的;惯例。Man's usual routine is to work and to dream.人的日常行为就是工作与梦想。

humble /5hQmbl/ 卑贱的;谦卑的v.贬抑)A humble man argues for his fault, while a brave man makes his faults known to all.卑微的人为自己的过失辩解,勇敢的人则把自己的过失公之于众。

pursuit /pE5sju:t/ 追求;职业)←pursu(e)+it名词后缀;动词为pursue(追求;从事)。Love is strongest in pursuit; friendship in possession.爱情在追求的时候最热烈,友情是在拥有的时候。

therapy /5WerEpi/ 治疗;理疗)可看作the+rap轻敲+y名词后缀←“一种轻轻叩击的方法”。

fatal /5feitl/ 致命的,毁灭性的)←fat(e)命运+alIt is most important in this world to be pushing, but it is fatal to seem so.世间最重要的是有进取心,但徒有其表是致命的。God was satisfied with his own work, and that is fatal.上帝很满意他自己的工作,这点是致命的。

extravagantly /iks5trAvE^Entli/ 奢侈地)←extra(=ex)加强语气+vag+ant形容词后缀+lyextravagant(奢侈的)←extra+vag+antextravagance(奢侈)←extra+vag+anceWaste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.时间的浪费是一切花费中最奢侈、最昂贵的一种。extravagance anything you buy that is of no earthly use to your wife the way the other fellow spends his money 奢侈——①你所买的对妻子毫无用处的任何东西 ②其他人花钱的方法。


Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure.
controlled的前面和removed的前面省略了can be
△不要把clinical depression controlledcataracts removed in a 30-minute surgical procedure看成独立主格结构,其实两个逗号连接的是三个平行部分,后面两个可以被视为省略了动词前“can be”的成分。

Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, even if it's useless.
▲本句的主干结构可以缩为we demand everythingeverything的后面紧跟了一个that引导的定语从句,主句的前面是过去分词短语作状语,主句的后面是even if引导的让步状语从句。

Physicians frustrated by their inability to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified.
▲本句的主干结构是physicians off treatment,两个破折号之间是补充说明的部分,补充说明成分是由and连接的两个分词短语。介词beyond之后跟了一个宾语从句,构成介宾结构。

I also know that people in Japan and Sweden, countries that spent far less on medical care, have achieved longer, healthier lives than we have.
▲本句的主干结构是I know thatthat后面跟了一个完整的宾语从句,宾语从句的谓语动词是have achieved,主语是peoplecountriesJapanSweden的同位语,并且country的后面跟了一个that引导的定语从句。



56. [C]

57. [A]

58. [B]
  Lamm所说的话也是作者引用的一个论据。Lamm认为老年人有义务死亡,以免挡住(年轻人的)道路。在接下来的一段,作者对于Lamm的观点发表了看法:“I would not go that far.”(我不会那么极端)。接着,作者举出了许多例子,说明老年人也可以活得有生气,还能为社会做贡献。有的考生看到这儿就匆匆地选择了A,认为作者极力反对Lamm的观点。这就有点断章取义了。因为在接下来的一段中,作者用“Yet”表示了转折,表述了另外一个角度的意见。说的是,一个社会在这方面(追求高质量的老年生活)的花费是有限的。从作者的论述中,我们可以推断出,作者希望人们接受新陈代谢的自然规律,所以在一定程度上与Lamm所提倡的是一致的。所以选B,作者对Lamm的观点基本同意,但有所保留。

59. [D]
  文中的原话是:“I also know that people in Japan and Sweded, countries that spend far less on medical care, have achieved longer, healthier have.”,说明了虽然日本和瑞典在医疗保健上的花费比美国少,但寿命却比美国人长,身体也更健康。接着,作者提出倡议,与其将资金徒劳地花在没有希望的治疗上,还不如投入到较一般的治疗中,以提高人们的生活质量。所以可以推断出,日本和瑞典在医疗保健上的投资更合理。因此选择D

60. [C]

