乱七八糟:At sixes and sevens/in disorder/in a mess/in confusion

* 这几天乱七八糟的杂事特别多。
(A lot of crazy things have happened in the last couple of days.)
* 昨天晚会之后,家里乱七八糟/一片狼藉
(Everything is at sixes and sevens in our house after last night's party.)

一塌糊涂:What a disaster!

* 书架多日没有整理了,乱得一塌糊涂。
(The bookshelf hasn't been taken care of for several days and is a terrible mess.)
* 我的生活一塌糊涂。
(My life is disaster!)
* A:晚会怎么样?(How was the party?)
B:一塌糊涂。(A complete mess.)
* 三个秘书突然辞职办公室一塌糊涂。
(The office was in a complete mess after the three secretaries suddenly quit.)
