1. The Other Boleyn Girl

History’s first “batch” of Benedict begins with The Other Boleyn Girl in1520.
“卷福”的荧幕历史最早可以追溯到1520年的《另一个波琳家的女孩》(The Other Boleyn Girl)。

2. Amazing Grace

Fast forward 262 years to 1782, influencing freedom among the British slave trade as William Pitt in Amazing Grace.
时光快速前进到1782年,他是《奇异的恩典 》(Amazing Grace)中影响英国奴隶贸易的威廉姆·彼特。

3. Creation

Next, time hops to 1850 and Benedict is playing Joseph Hooker in Creation, encouraging his pal Charles Darwin to publish his scientific theories.
接着,时光跳转到1850年,“卷福”成了《造物弄人 》(Creation)中的约瑟夫·胡克,鼓励达尔文将自己的研究公开发表。 

4. War Horse

What do you know? It’s World War I and our boy Benedict is leading the charge in 1912 as Major Jamie Stewart in War Horse.

5. Parade's End

But not while playing a romantic noble at the same exact time! He has to escape abrutal love triangle first as Christopher Tietjens in Parade’s End.
但在同时代他还扮演着另外一个浪漫的贵族!他是《三角恋队列之末 》(Parade's End)中的克里斯托弗,正在努力逃离一段虐心的三角恋。 

6. Atonement

A break from war in 1939 allows for more time among high society, and the dark secrets among it, as Benedict does bad things playing Paul Marshall in Atonement.
1939年,战火稍歇,上流社会暗流涌动,“卷福”此时正作为保罗·马绍尔在《赎罪 》(Atonement)里干坏事。 

7. Small Island

Suddenly, its 1945 and the formerly brash Benedict becomes beautifully melancholy as romantically late-blooming Bernard Bligh in Small Island.
突然到了1945年,“卷福”一改之前暴躁的性格,变成了《小岛 》(Small Island)中多愁善感的伯纳德`布莱。

8. Brian Epstein

Enough romance. When does this guy get to experience rock & roll? Soon, as he’s slated to swing into the ’60s playing Beatles manager Brian Epstein.

9. Hawking

Though at the same time, he’s already getting after theories of the universe and a series of degrees, playing Hawking during his Cambridge years, around 1962.

10. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

He got his first opportunity to dabble in toppling greater powers, seeking the truth, and using his investigative skills circa 1973 in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.
大约在1973年,他终于有机会在《锅匠,裁缝,士兵,间谍》(Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)里,发挥他的侦查能力,寻找真相,参与推翻高高在上的权力拥有者。

11. Starter for Ten

With 465 years of history under the belt, it’s no surprise this smart cookie joined the quiz bowl team in Starter For Ten, taking place in 1985.
拥有465年的阅历的他显然有资格参加机智问答,出现在1985年的《恋爱学分 》(Starter for Ten)中。

12. The Last Enemy

So you brought down a spy once. How about a first attempt at the entire government? Consider it done, in 2008 as Stephen Ezard in The Last Enemy.
你已经放倒了一个间谍了,试试对抗整个政府机构怎么样?在2008年的《最后的敌人》(The Last Enemy)中,Stephen Ezard 就是这么做的。 

13. Sherlock

Okay, okay… that’s an ambitious goal. Guess he had to revert back to normal bouts of crime,solved as Sherlock since 2010.

14. The Fifth Estate

By now, this guy has seen decades of how the world works and changed it several times in the process. What’s the only next logical step? Stepping into the secret-blasting shoes of Julian Assange in The Fifth Estate.
到目前为止,这个男人见证了数个世纪的风云变幻,按理说他下一步会怎么办?他成为了《危机解密》(The Fifth Estate)中的朱利安·阿桑奇。 

15. Star Trek Into Darkness

With some form of world domination behind him, there is only space left to rule. Don’t worry, he’s done it too, as Khan in Star Trek: Into Darkness, which picks up in 2259.
在统治了地球之后,只剩下太空需要他去征服。不用担心,这也难不倒他,在2259年,他作为可汗出现在了《星际迷航:暗黑无界》(Star Trek Into Darkness)中。

16. Future

Where will he go next? Only time will tell.