新科奥斯卡影后詹妮弗·劳伦斯登上了今年 Vogue 杂志九月号,对于任何一个女明星来说,这都是一项荣誉。劳伦斯在采访中说,她在很小的时候就预见了自己的成功,但即便如此,年轻的她仍然没有找到一个平和的心态去面对镁光灯下的生活。我们一起来看看她怎么说吧!

At the age of 22, she is already an Oscar winning actress and has the pick of Hollywood movie roles. But it seems Jennifer Lawrence saw it all coming from a young age.In a new interview with Vogue, the actress says she foresaw her fame while growing up in Kentucky.
22岁的她,已是奥斯卡最佳女主角、在好莱坞占有一席之地。詹妮弗·劳伦斯似乎在很小的时候就预见了这一天。在 Vogue 的采访中,劳伦斯说在成长于肯塔基州期间,她就知道她会成功。

'Ever since I was really little, I've always had a very normal idea of what I wanted,' she tells the magazine. 'I was going to be a mom and I was going to be a doctor and I was going to live in Kentucky.

'But I always knew that I was going to be famous. I honest to God don't know how else to describe it. I used to lie in bed and wonder: "Am I going to be a local TV person? Am I going to be a motivational speaker?"

However, not everything always went so smoothly for the actress who reprises her role of Katniss Everdeen in Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire out in November. 'I was a weirdo,' she said about her childhood. 'I wasn't picked on or anything. And I wasn't smarter than the other kids. That's not why I didn't fit in. I've just had this weird anxiety. I hated recess. I didn't like field trips. Parties really stressed me out.'
然而,对于这位在 Hunger Games 第一部和第二部中扮演 Katniss Everdeen 的女演员来说,事情也并不总是那么顺利。“我是一个怪胎。”她如此形容童年的自己,“我常被欺负。我比别的孩子要笨一些,或许因为这样我并不合群。我有一种奇怪的紧张感。我不喜欢休假。我不喜欢郊游。派对让我压力倍增。”

Nowadays, it's her growing fame which is proving hard to handle. 'I teeter on seeming ungrateful when I talk about this,' she declares. 'But I'm kind of going through a meltdown about it lately. All of a sudden, the entire world feels entitled to know everything about me.

'I am just not okay with it. It's as simple as that. I am just a normal girl and a human being and I haven't been in this long enough to feel like this is my new normal. I'm not going to find peace with it.'

After filming Catching Fire, Jennifer turned down a vacation to take on the role of Rosalyn, Christian Bale's wife in American Hustle in a part written expressly for her by her Silver Linings Playbook director David O'Russell.
拍摄完《饥饿游戏2》,詹妮弗并没有选择休假而是选择扮演《美国骗局》中的 Rosalyn, Christian Bale 的妻子。这个角色是《乌云背后的幸福线》的导演大卫·欧·拉塞尔专门为她量身定制的。

'Rosalyn is 100 percent a product of David's imagination,' says Jennifer. 'She's a manic depressivealcoholic and I couldn't wait. Plus, I got to make out with Christian Bale.I couldn't say no. And then when I was on set, I was like "This is much more important than a vacation". It's so much better for my brain to be creatively stimulated in this way, It reminded me: "This is what I love."'
“Rosalyn是一个由大卫导演想象出来的角色。”詹妮弗说,“她是一个狂躁抑郁的酒鬼。我很期待这个角色。而且,我可以和 Christian Bale 有亲热戏。这让我无法拒绝。当我在片场时,我觉得‘这可比休假要重要多了。’这让我的大脑一直处在创作的激活状态,它提醒着我:‘这是我热爱的事。’”