2. Just The Way You Are

Season Two: Oh, how far Kurt and Finn had come since the former's massive one-sided crush on the latter. Kurt had a rough-go of it in season two after he became some of Finn's football buddies favorite punching bag because of his sexuality and Finn didn't stand up for him. So imagine the rainfall of tears Finn's performance of "Just the Way You Are," which he dedicated to his new step-brother at their parents' wedding, inspired...and still does every time we watch it.
第二季:自从 Kurt 对Finn 炽热的单恋发生后,这两位实在是经历了很多。因为性取向问题,Kurt 在第二季中成为了 Finn 的橄榄球队友的受气包,而 Finn 并没有站在他那边。Finn 在他们父母的婚礼上把这首歌献给他的弟弟,想象Finn在演绎这首歌曲时如瀑布一般的眼泪吧,让人每每听到,都颇为感动。