联合国秘书长潘基文和第62届联合国大会主席克里姆28日分别发表声明,呼吁世界各国在北京奥运会和残疾人奥运会期间,实行“奥林匹克休战”。“奥林匹克休战”是国际奥委会根据古希腊神圣休战的做法设计的一项和平活动。1993年10 月,联大通过决议,恢复了这一古希腊传统。


UN leaders have this week called for an Olympic Truce, a cessation of all hostilities worldwide for the duration of the Beijing Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.


The calls, made by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and President of the UN General Assembly Srgjan Kerim respectively on Monday, reflect the Olympic spirit and the mankind's dream for peace as well as the joint aspirations of the whole international community.


上述报道中,Olympic Truce就是“奥林匹克休战”,truce指的是a state of peace agreed to between opponents 或者a cessation of all hostilities;那么“宣布休战”就是declaration of truce,而“停火、停战”是ceasefire;而与他们意思相反的“宣战”则是declaration of war或者to declare war。