Hints: self-disciplined self-image 文中共有两句话加引号,一个冒号,一句话加括号。
So you've finally made it to college. You've been accepted, and you've been living on campus for some time. Now you begin to ask yourself "How does one become a successful student?" "What are the characteristic of successful students?" To answer these questions, you'd better first bear in mind the following tips: Be self-disciplined. You should not leave the weekly reading until the night before it is required. You must discipline yourself (no one will scold you if you don't) and set up a regular schedule in order to succeed. Think positively. You need to have a good self-image so you can turn what seems like defeat into a positive learning situation. If you expect that you can do better, and you try to do better, then overall you will do better. Be interested in your courses. Even if you think a course is the most boring one in the world, force yourself to be interested. Take a minor point and read as much as possible about it in order to become an expert in just that little bit of information. That kind of interest can cause interest in the entire course.