Hints: "know-how" 文中有一处破折号
Have a good attitude about college life. Know your strong points and your weaknesses, understand what a college can and cannot do for you. Take responsibility for your own education. You should realize that attending college offers you the raw material for success and education – libraries, teachers, textbooks. However, only you can educate yourself. Take advantage of what is around you and use it to your best advantage according to your own needs. Have the "know-how" to be successful. Make sure that you know how to study, take notes, take tests, and use time wisely. Be sure you can use reference sources such as the library. Develop memory skills. Try to get along with your teachers and your fellow students. You should be at ease in expressing yourself and in understanding words. Learn from experience. Always look for ways to do things better. Following all this advice, you may not automatically become a successful student, but you will surely be on the right road to success.