Hint: Big Al Terence Lisa
The charcoal wiped across Big Al's face certified that he was serious about fighting Terence here and now. There was no more charity in Big Al's face and his charm had all but disappeared. Chaos was all that was in his eyes and there was no charter stating what would be allowed and not allowed in the fight: it would be 'anything goes.' This was one bad character; some long dead gladiator was probably being channeled into him even now. There was also no doubt in Terence’s mind that Big A1 was Lisa's champion. Big A1 cherished her more than Terence did, and that was all that mattered to Lisa. She was one chic who only wanted to be loved by the biggest man. And she knew Terrance was no challenge for Big Al.
大个子艾尔抹了一脸的木炭证明他是真想在此时此地与特伦斯决一雌雄。他脸上已经没有了宽容的表情,他的魅力此刻也几乎荡然无存。他的眼中只有混乱。没有任何宪章规定决斗中什么是允许的,什么是不允许的:这意味着可以“不择手段”。这是个坏人,某个早巳死掉的角斗士或许到现在还在给他传经送宝。 特伦斯也毫不怀疑大个子艾尔是丽莎的捍卫者,他比特伦斯更珍爱她,而对丽莎来说,这才是最重要的。她是那种只想被最强大的人爱慕的漂亮女人。她知道特伦斯根本不能挑战大个子艾尔。大个子艾尔冲上前去,像租来的大巴一样,狠狠地撞向特伦斯。随着特伦斯摔倒在地,他发现脑海中他的人生未竟事业清单也随之烟消云散。他感到自己受了欺骗,可这在他的一生中太典型了:每当他认为事情在朝好的方向发展时,事情就会在这个时候结束。早上他还送给丽莎一只小鸡以表示他认为她是最酷的。她非常喜欢,还喋喋不休地说他是多么可爱。