450)=450"> 经济学课上,同学们按照老师安排分组讨论自己感兴趣的话题。童鞋们来听写吧,你们的讨论课上是否也是如此热闹呢,一起来感受吧! ❤听写方式:听写全部音频内容。其中对话无需写姓名,换人直接换行即可。 Hints: Stone's Throw
I think we need to be careful, we're supposed to be focused on economic issues, but I think that if we start doing all these interviews, it's more like sociology rather than economics. Yes, that's true. So can we come up with a general statement? What do you mean? Like one or two sentences which describe what we want to find out and what we are going to present to the class. How about: we aim to research the reasons leading up to the massive layoffs at Stone's Throw. Too specific, I think. How about: we aim to research the reasons behind massive layoffs at Stone's Throw and determine if it is part of a greater pattern in our area. So basically we're going to have to see if other companies in the area have had similar issues. Yes, I suppose that would help put it into context. Sounds like we have a basic plan. Now, how do we go about doing this?