在经历恐怖的一夜后,三妞迎来了她们的高三生活。从这一天起她们的生活将有着很大的不同,B的男朋友能够与他的前女友通灵,C的男朋友变成了混血,E的男朋友失去了人性变成彻头彻尾的吸血鬼了。。。。。。 [color=#ff6347]抱歉哦,鬼迷们!!由于最近事情比较多,节目无法按时上传,还请各位海涵呀!!!!今天一共有五空,每空都是一句话。 damper :阻碍[/color]
-Caroline: Here we are. Senior year. -Bonnie:_______________1____________________ -Caroline: Ok. So prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it, and we are moving on. -Bonnie: You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriend hinder this experience? -Caroline: Yes! _____________2___________________ -Elena: _____________3____________________ Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year. -Caroline: Yeah. You win. -Bonnie: _____________4____________________ -Elena: I have to be here. _____________5____________________ New year. New life. 能拿高高的正确率、多多的沪元、还能听到纯正的美语、回忆当年看吸血鬼日记的点点滴滴、又学习了英语,多好的节目丫!快来订阅吧!
Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering? And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day. Today's our anniversary. Are you sure you want to be here? I have to put it behind me.
-Caroline: 开学喽,上高三啦。 -Bonnie: 你们不觉得我们该有种更强势的感觉吗? -Caroline: 好了,咱们的恶作剧之夜搞砸了。但是我们接受,开始新的生活。 -Bonnie: 你说得对,为什么要因为,我男朋友能看见他死去的前女友,就害得我不能开开心心上高三呢?对,为什么要因为,我男朋友变成了一个混血儿,就毁了这美好的一天呢。 -Elena: 今天是我们的周年纪念。严格地说,斯特凡和我,就是在去年的开学第一天相遇的。 -Caroline: 好吧,你赢了。 -Bonnie: 你真的想待在学校吗? -Elena: 我必须得来,我必须得忘记这些。新的一年,新的生活。