Hints: 本期学习的字源:de-=away, down, not分离,往下,不 declivity、deprive例句中有分号 The Moon and Sixpence W. Somerset Maugham Paul Gauguin aborigine Saudi Arabia 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
departure declivity There's a declivity ahead; try the brakes. deconstruction In feminism, deconstruction means tearing down the myth of male dominance. dehydrate Dehydrated fruit, a common snack, was first developed as rations for spacemen. depict In The Moon and Sixpence, W. Somerset Maugham depicted Paul Gauguin as an artist consumed by a desire to paint. deprive Australian aborigines are used to roaming; put in prison, deprived of the freedom of motion, they sometimes die for no obvious reason. desalination Saudi Arabia gets part of its fresh water from desalination plants.
There's a declivity ahead; try the brakes. 前面有下坡,试试踩刹车吧。 In feminism, deconstruction means tearing down the myth of male dominance. 在女权主义中,解构就意味着破除男性统治的迷思。 Dehydrated fruit, a common snack, was first developed as rations for spacemen. 脱水水果是很普通的零食,最早却是开发来做太空人的口粮。 In The Moon and Sixpence, W. Somerset Maugham depicted Paul Gauguin as an artist consumed by a desire to paint. 在《月光与六便士》中,毛姆把高更描述为有强烈作画渴望的画家。 Australian aborigines are used to roaming; put in prison, deprived of the freedom of motion, they sometimes die for no obvious reason. 澳洲原住民惯于四处漫游,一旦关进监狱,被剥夺了行动自由,有时会没有明显原因地突然死亡。 Saudi Arabia gets part of its fresh water from desalination plants. 沙特阿拉伯部分淡水是海水淡化厂制造的。