Hints: 本期学习的字源:e-, ec-, ef-, ex-=out外围,外面 Dr. Samuel Johnson (例句中有分号) Environmental Protection Agency Nobel Laureate Solzhenitsyn Soviet World War Ⅱ Adolf Hitler 单词不需要大写,单词与例句或不同词条之间换行即可。 注解中详细介绍了单词的拆分与释义,是学习字源分析的重中之重!一定记得听写后来看注解!
exit enumerate The report enumerates the various health hazards of smoking. eccentric Dr. Samuel Johnson was a delightful eccentric; he once entertained his admirers by rolling down a slope. effluent The Environmental Protection Agency sent someone to take samples of the effluent from the factory for toxin analysis. exhale The police officer checked the breath exhaled by the driver for its alcohol content. expatriate Nobel Laureate Solzhenitsyn, longtime Soviet expatriate in France, is now back in Russia and hosting a TV show. exterminate In World War Ⅱ Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate the Jewish race with his "ultimate solution".
The report enumerates the various health hazards of smoking. 这份报告例举了吸烟对健康的各种伤害。 Dr. Samuel Johnson was a delightful eccentric; he once entertained his admirers by rolling down a slope. 强生博士是位可爱的怪人;有一次他从斜坡上滚下来以娱乐慕名前来的人。 The Environmental Protection Agency sent someone to take samples of the effluent from the factory for toxin analysis. 环保署派人来采这个工厂排放污水的样本以化验毒性。 The police officer checked the breath exhaled by the driver for its alcohol content. 警官检验了司机呼出气体的酒精含量。 Nobel Laureate Solzhenitsyn, longtime Soviet expatriate in France, is now back in Russia and hosting a TV show. 诺贝尔奖得主索尔仁尼琴常年离开苏联,流亡法国,现在回到俄国,并主持电视节目。 In World War Ⅱ Adolf Hitler tried to exterminate the Jewish race with his "ultimate solution". 二战时希特勒以所谓的“最终解决”企图消灭犹太民族。