
debate We were debating whether to go to the mountains or to the seaside for our summer holidays. extract He extracted several paragraphs from the newspaper article to read at the meeting. Did you manage to extract any information from him? facilitate The broken lock facilitated my entrance into the empty house. frail The sick woman's frail hands could hardly hold a cup. insignificant The ideas of an insignificant person have no influence. inspect In this state,every car must be inspected annually by the highway patrol. prohibit Smoking is prohibited in public buildings or in the crowded bus. repent The criminal repented his crimes before the priest. resolute Despite the opposition from his family, he remained resolute in his decision. suspend The train schedule was suspended until the railroad tracks were repaired. The swing was suspended from a branch of tree.
debate v.讨论 我们正在讨论是去山上还是去海边度暑假。 extract n.1.选录 2.夺取 他选录了报上文章中的几段,在会议上念。 你设法从他身上弄到情报了吗? facilitate v.使容易 由于锁坏了,使我很容易地就进入这空房子。 frail adj.虚弱的 这生病的女人双手虚弱无力,几乎拿不住杯子。 insignificant adj.无关重要的 无关紧要之人的意见是没有影响力的。 inspect v.观察 在这个州,每辆车每年都必须接受公路巡逻队的检查。 prohibit v.禁止 公共建筑物内或拥挤的公共汽车上是禁止吸烟的。 repent v.忏悔 犯人在神父面前忏悔罪行。 resolute adj.坚决的 不顾家里的反对,依然坚持自己的决定。 suspend v.1.暂停 2.悬吊 火车时刻表暂停直到铁路轨道修理好才可使用。 这秋千悬吊在树枝上。