450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
accurate Her report is always accurate and well written. ancestor His ancestors came to America on the Mayflower. dwarf Children of the world love to read the story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. emerge After the rain, the sun emerged from behind the clouds. illusion It was an illusion that made me think I saw a man in the shadow. injustice It is an injustice to send an innocent person to jail. multitude A multitude of European plants have been naturalized in America. soothe A hot cloth pressed against your jaw will usually soothe a toothache. The mother soothe her crying baby by ringing a bell in front of his face vicious He gave the dog a vicious blow with his long stick. void An agreement signed by a child to repay borrowed money is void. That part of the town is completely void of interest for visitors.
accurate adj.正确的 他的报告总是正确又工整。 ancestor n.祖先 他的祖先乘坐五月花号到达美国。 dwarf n.矮子 全世界的小孩都爱读白雪公主和七个小矮人的故事。 emerge v.出现 雨后,太阳从云层后面出来。 illusion v.错觉 我以为看到暗处有个人,其实是错觉。 injustice n.公平 把无辜者送去坐牢是不公正的行为。 multitude n.多数 多数的欧洲植物已被移植到美国。 soothe v.1.减轻 2.抚慰 用热毛巾压住下颚通常可减轻牙疼。 那母亲在哭泣的婴儿面前摇铃以抚慰他。 vicious adj.恶意的 他用长手杖恶意地打了那只狗一下。 void adj.1.无效的 2.缺的 小孩为偿还所借的钱而签的契约是无效的。 游客对城市的那个部分毫无兴趣。