
armor Nothing could break through the armor of the new tank. buzz The radio should be fixed; it buzzes whenever I turn it on. cancer A great many cancers can be cured, but only if properly treated before they have begun to spread. collapse The roof collapsed as a result of the fire. This table can be collapsed, so I can store it easily when I'm not using it. contemporary In 1066 William landed in England, and a contemporary Englishman wrote the report of his landing. Our teacher reads the books of many contemporary authors to us. exile The political leaders were exiled to an island far away from the country. infantry Men in the infantry often march long distance. monk He left his successful business and life of luxury to become a monk. orchard These oranges come from an orchard in Florida. pirate The terrible pirates attacked a merchant ship again. sullen That boy becomes sullen if he is punished by his teachers. telescope He is studying the stars through a telescope. usher The usher of the theater helped us find our seats.
armor n.铁甲 没有任何东西可穿透这辆新战车的铁甲。 buzz v.使作嗡嗡声 这收音机需要修理了;每当我打开它时,它总是嗡嗡作响。 cancer n.癌 许多癌症是可以治愈的,但只有当开始蔓延以前就能得到适当的治疗,才有可能。 collapse v. 1.倒塌 2.折叠 屋顶因火灾而倒塌。 这张桌子可以折叠,所以当我不用时就很容易地把它收藏起来。 contemporary adj. 1.同时代的 2.现代的 威廉大帝在1066年登陆英国,当时的英国人记述了他的这次登陆。 老师朗读许多现代作者的书给我们听。 exile v.放逐 这些政治领袖被放逐到远离这个国家的岛上。 infantry n.步兵 步兵做长途行军。 monk n.修道士 他放弃飞黄腾达的事业和奢华的生活,成为一名修道士。 orchard n.果园 这些橙子来自弗罗里达的一处果园。 pirate n.海盗 可怕的海盗再次袭击了商船。 sullen adj.闷闷不乐的 那男孩如被老师惩罚,就会变得闷闷不乐。 telescope n.望远镜 他透过望远镜研究星辰。 usher n.引导员 戏院里的引座员帮助我们找到位子。