450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
communism Comparing with socialism, communism is a higher political belief. dignify They dignified her job by giving her a special title. disaster A great flood, fire, earthquake, or great loss of money is a disaster. gloom The maple shade provided him with a rich gloom for sleeping. hospitable He is hospitable to anybody; he likes to give attention to the needs of others. infant The woman was carrying and infant in he arms. mature You mustn’t be jealous when your sister gets presents, you must learns to behavior in a more mature way. prejudice She has a prejudice against popular music. simplify The theory was simplified to make it easier to understand. tranquil After he retired, he lived a tranquil life in the country. unworthy You shouldn’t trust him; he is unworthy of your trust. valid His objections to the plan on the basis of cost are valid.
communism n.共产主义 同社会主义相比,共产主义是一种更高的执政信仰。 dignify v.使尊荣 他们给她加了一个特殊的头衔以示尊崇她的工作。 disaster n.灾难 大洪水、火灾、地震或重大的金钱损失是一种灾难。 goom n.幽暗 枫树的树阴给他提供了一处够暗的地方睡觉。 hospitable adj.善于待客的 他善于对待任何人,他喜欢关注他人的需要。 infant n.婴儿 这女人怀里抱着一个婴儿。 mature adj.成熟的 你不该嫉妒你的姐姐得到礼物,你必须学习表现得更成熟些。 prejudice n.偏见 她对流行音乐有偏见。 simplify v.简化 这理论被简化以使其明了易懂。 tranquil adj.宁静的 退休后,他在乡间过着安静的生活。 unworthy adj.无价值的 你不该相信他,他不值得你信赖。 valid adj.正确的 他因这项计划花钱太多而反对它,她的反对是正确的。