450)=450"> 本文选自雅思听力Section 4,难度较大 Summary:一位男士希望在学习期间与三位朋友合租一套房子,在与房屋租赁中介沟通时问及房子的价格、设施及周边配套设施。中介推荐时设计多处房屋,但都不符合男士的要求。作为学生,在租房时一般希望租期相对较长、稳定,切周围比较安静,价格又能在经济承受能力之内。 HINTS Steven Godfrey £ okay 全文听写,英式拼法 订阅节目更方便
Good morning. How can I help you? Hello. I'm interested in renting a house somewhere in the town. Right. Could I have your name please? Yes, it's Steven Godfrey. And tell me how many bedrooms you're looking for. Well, we'd need four, because I'm going to share the house with three friends. Okay, there are several of that size on our books. They mostly belong to families who are working abroad at the moment. What about the location? It'd be nice to be central. That might be difficult, as most houses of that size are in the suburbs. Still, there are a few. What's your upper limit for the rent? We'd like something around £500 a month, but we could go up to £600 if we have to. But we can't go beyond that. Do you know how long you want to rent the house for? The minimum let is six months, as you probably realise. We're at college here for two years, and we don't want to have to move during that time if we can avoid it. Right. And how soon do you want to move in? All our lets start on the first of the month. Well, as soon as possible, really, so that means September 1st. Okay, let me have a look at what we've got. We have photographs of all the houses on our books, so you can get an idea of what they're like.