[color=#FF69B4]沪友们~~~ 为了英语的学习,努力听写哇!!! 这些短对话都是商务和生活情景短句,即可锻炼听力也可以工作中使用呦~~~ 毫不犹豫的听写吧~~~[/color] 450)=450"> [color=#BA55D3] 对话听写,把你听到的全部写下喔,不同人说话间换行就行啦。 听写完后,点击译文查看选项答案。[/color] 选项如下: A) The woman is making too big a fuss about her condition. B) Fatigue is a typical symptom of lack of exercise. C) The woman should spend more time outdoors. D) People tend to work longer hours with artificial lighting.
Doctor, I haven't been able to get enough sleep lately, and I'm too tired to concentrate in class. Well, you know, spending too much time indoors with all that artificial lighting can do that to you. Your body loses its track of whether it is day or night. What does the man imply?
Answer: C