[color=#FF69B4]沪友们~~~ 为了英语的学习,努力听写哇!!! 这些短对话都是商务和生活情景短句,即可锻炼听力也可以工作中使用呦~~~ 毫不犹豫的听写吧~~~[/color] 450)=450"> [color=#BA55D3] 对话听写,把你听到的全部写下喔,不同人说话间换行就行啦。 听写完后,点击译文查看选项答案。[/color] 选项如下: A) He regrets having published the article. B) Most readers do not share his viewpoints. C) Not many people have read his article. D) The woman is only trying to console him.
I think your article in the school newspaper is right on target, and your viewpoints have certainly convinced me. Thanks, but in view of the general responses, you and I are definitely in the minority. What does the man mean?
Answer: B