XNDIxNjkwMTg4/ <听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号> T: I took a lot of pictures.      1    Whoever hijacked that -- H: Aren't you supposed to be at your hotel packing? T: No.      2    Mom's upstairs. Had to talk her down from forming up a posse on the way home. H: So, what did happen tonight? I saw you with mom. T: You were right.      3    H: What does that mean? T: Well.      4    It means I'm not ready to go home yet. There's some things I have to work out with your mom, and I can only do that if I stay here. 450)=450">【美少女谎言】的节目,欢迎订阅~
You looked beautiful. I'm supposed to be right here making sure you got home safely from what happened tonight. I guess it took you yelling at me before I could see it myself. It means no more excuses.
T: 我拍了很多照片。你看起来很漂亮。不管那事是谁干的…… H: 你不是应该在你的宾馆里收拾行李吗? T:不,我应该在这里,确认今晚发生了那样的事情后你安全到家。你妈妈在楼上。回家的路上,我甚至不得不劝她不要组织治安自卫队。 H: 今晚发生了什么?我看到你跟妈妈一起了。 T: 你说得对。要不是你那样对我发脾气,我还不能看清自己的想法。 H: 什么意思? T: 嗯,这意味着我不再找借口了。意味着我还不准备回家。有些事,我还得和你妈妈一起理清楚,这只有我留在这里才能做到。