Competition. It means different things to different people. In suburbia, it means keeping up with the Joneses. On Wisteria Lane, that means keeping up with Bree Van de Kamp. Everyone knew Bree had the nicest lawn in the neighborhood. And no one begrudged her this. No one, that is, except Martha Huber, whose own lawn paled in comparison. No matter how carefully she trimmed or how lovingly she watered or how generously she fertilized, the grass was always greener on the other side of the fence. Mrs. Huber: Hello, Victor, how are you today? Out jogging again? Victor: I can't catch my breath. Mrs. Huber: Would you like a slurp from my hose? Victor? Victor? Don't worry, I'm going to get an ambulance! Then one day, ____(一句话)_____ Mrs. Huber: Help! Somebody help! Bree: What happened? Mrs. Huber: He collapsed on your hydrangeas! Call 911! Mary Alice: Yes. Mrs. Huber understood the first rule of competition. In order to win, you have to want it more...
Mrs. Huber finally got the chance to mow down the competition.
竞争。通常因人而异。在郊区,竞争意味着跟上邻居的脚步。在紫藤郡,那就意味着向布里·范·德坎普看齐。众所周知布里拥有紫藤郡最美的草坪。没有人敢挑战这个地位, 除了玛莎·胡博.相比而言她的手艺要逊色许多。无论她多么精心的打理、多么仔细的浇水、多么慷慨的施肥,栅栏那边的草总是比她的要绿一些。 胡博:你好,维克多。今天怎么样?又在慢跑? 维克多:我喘不上气了。 胡博:要不要就着我的水管喝点水?维克多?维克多?别怕,我去叫救护车。 这一天,胡博太太终于找到扭转竞争形势的机会了。 胡博:救命!有人帮忙吗! 布里:哦,发生什么事了? 胡博:他在你们家的绣球花上晕倒了,快打911! 是的,胡博太太懂得竞争的要诀。如果你想赢,就要不择手段。 mow down: 割倒;摧毁;残杀 eg. We mow down the long grass regularly. 我们俩沿着长满草的路边开始一起散步。 We shall have to mow down the tall grass in the big field. 我们得把大田里的高草割掉。