第24课:爱 - 2


A: Alice is very lucky; her boyfriend idolizes her.
B: Well, I think his love for her is excessive sometimes.
A: How can true love and affection be excessive?
B: Well, when an adoring lover stands under her window, which is next to mine, and sings off-key love songs until one o’clock in the morning, I think that is excessive!!

A: Alice真幸运,她男朋友把她当偶像了。
B: 不过我觉得她男朋友对她的爱有时候太过分了。
A: 真爱和感情怎么会过分呢?
B: 那位痴情的男朋友每晚都会站在她的窗下,就在我隔壁,唱着走调的情歌,一直唱到凌晨一点。我觉得这太过分了!!


idolize: 盲目崇拜。
excessive: 过多的,过分的,极度的。
affection: 喜爱,钟爱;爱慕。
adoring: 崇拜的,敬慕的。
off-key: 走调的,不合调。