
Every year many people think of new business ideas that they hope will make them millionaires (or even billionaires). Most new ideas though, even some great ones, can take years to develop. Be ready to work hard and stick to your plan.

Before you tell too many people your great new idea that will set the world on fire, it's best to write it in as much detail as possible. This will reduce the risk of someone stealing your idea!

Always get advice from a lawyer and accountant. A good lawyer can show you how to protect your ideas and the accountant can help to get the financing you will need.

Most new businesses require money to get them started. Remember that when a person invests money in your ideas, they will usually want some control over how the money is spent. You may have to be more flexible if you have an investment partner.

Success is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. It's tough to get to the top and tougher to stay there. Nothing beats hard work.
成功的商业人士会告诉你掌握资金使用情况是最重要的,尤其是新生意开始的前几年。找一个会计帮你做一个运作预算,然后照着做。 成功是百分之一的灵感和百分之九十九的汗水。攀到高峰很难,保持不败更难。辛勤的工作是成功的保障。