Forget sequels, remakes and superhero movies. Hollywood's newest trend is reviving dead TV shows. With "Arrested Development" and "The Killing" getting new seasons, and HBO ordering up a "Bored To Death" movie, now it's the boys of "Entourage" are set to actually appear on the big screen for the first time. And less than two years after the series signed off with constant chatter of followup movie, it's actually happening.
忘了那些续集不断的、经典翻拍的、关于超级英雄的电影吧!好莱坞的最新潮流是帮已停播的电视剧重获新生。曾经难产的剧集《发展受阻》(Arrested Development)、《谋杀》(The Killing)均已获得新一季的预定,而HBO电视台亦将制作《凡人烦人》(Bored To Death)的电影版。现在,《明星伙伴》(Entourage)的小伙子们也将首次亮相大荧幕。在剧集完结至今不到两年的时间里,经常能听到关于制作后续电影的讨论。如今这事终于成真啦。

Deadline reports that Warner Bros. has given a green light to the project which will be written and directed by series creator Doug Ellin.
据Deadline网站报道,电影版将由剧集出品人道格·艾林(Doug Ellin)撰写剧本并执导;华纳兄弟娱乐公司(Warner Bros.)已对此电影批准立项。

Last fall, it was reported that the script was near completion, with the story apparently picking up six months after the series finale. “There are interesting developments about Ari as a studio head, and that’s still the first page for me," Ellin said at the time."But foremost is the friendship between the guys who are still hanging out and going to fun parties, and it continues with the same characters.”

While a start date isn't locked down just yet, deals are being made with Adrian Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Kevin Dillon, Jerry Ferrara and Jeremy Piven to reprise their roles as Vinnie, E, Johnny Drama, Turtle and Ari which is probably the best news -- Piven aside -- any of these guys have heard all day. But frankly, if there's no Rhys Coiro as Billy Walsh, this movie is dead to us.
影片的开机时间尚未确定,现阶段制片方正在与众位主演进行沟通,让阿德里安·格兰尼(Adrian Grenier)、凯文·康诺利(Kevin Connolly)、凯文·狄龙(Kevin Dillon)、杰里·弗罗拉(Jerry Ferrara)以及杰里米·皮文(Jeremy Piven)签定电影合约,回来继续饰演文森(Vinnie)、艾里克(Eric)、强尼·加马(Johnny Drama)、特托(Turtle)以及阿里。除了片约繁忙的杰里米·皮文之外,能演这部电影大概是其他几位演员所听到的最好消息了。不过实话实说,如果片中没有瑞斯·考罗(Rhys Coiro)扮演的比利·沃尔什(Billy Walsh),咱就死了看电影的心吧。

Like many popular HBO shows, what started as a fun, sharp concept quickly became self-involved and ridiculous in the later seasons so we'll be curious if the movie can reignite that initial spark that made it a compelling litlte half hour look at Hollywood. But considering Ellin's comments that these are the same guys "hanging out and going to fun parties," part of us suspects Warner Bros. just wants something to replace "The Hangover" as that franchise wraps up this year.
HBO电视台的很多热播剧集都有一个通病,即刚开播时特别出彩,但播出几季之后,原本独特精妙的情节设计渐渐变得自以为是、荒唐夸张。因此我们不禁好奇,电影版是否能重燃精彩火花,再现剧集始播时艳惊好莱坞的昔日辉煌。不过,考虑到之前艾林所言,电影版仍是那哥们几个“一起出去玩,参加有意思的派对”——这让人有些疑惑:华纳兄弟是不是因为摇钱树《宿醉》(The Hangover)系列即将完结,其最后一部将于今年上映,所以只是想拍一部喜剧电影取代《宿醉》呢?