油价持续飙升,有车族怨声载道。在美国许多城市,一种名为“汽车共享”的新模式开始盛行,深受人们追捧。随着计算机、电子钥匙和卫星定位系统的发展, “汽车共享”增加了许多新的内涵。美国、加拿大等国的“汽车共享”会员迅猛增加,美国会员已接近10万人。


Car sharing is racing ahead full-throttle in the US market as Americans look for ways to cope with record fuel costs and be environmentally friendly at the same time.


Consumers who want to avoid the problems of car ownership or of owning a second vehicle can rent a car for an hour, a day or several days with fuel and insurance included.


上述报道中,Car sharing就是“汽车共享”,是指许多人合用一辆车,即开车人对车辆只有使用权,而没有所有权,有点类似于在租车行里短时间包车,手续简便,打个电话或通过网上就可以预约订车,也叫做car pool(汽车合用组织)。在中国,这两个表达其实都可以翻译为“拼车”,其他可以翻译为“拼车”的英文表达还有:ride sharing,lift sharing等。