As the leading lady, it would be kind of helpful if your female co-stars didn't steal your thunder.

But Emma Watson had a little competition on her hands tonight in the guise of Nina Dobrev.

The girls both graced the premiere of their new film The Perks Of Being A Wallflower at the Toronto Film Festival in Canada.

Of course, Emma looked nothing short of fabulous in her sleeveless and floral embroidered dress from Erdem's pre-spring 2013 collection. Yet, Nina was hot on her heels in a striking backless gown.

The Vampire Diaries actress was certainly pleasing on the eye for her ever-growing fanbase, posing with her hands on her hips and showing off her trim frame in the black and white ethereal creation.

Clearly excited ahead of the festivities, Nina tweeted: 'Getting ready for #perksofbeingawallflower premiere at #tiff... In the car on my way to @WallflowerMovie #tiff.'

She later added: 'Ready #tiff #perksofbeingawallflower.'

Meanwhile, the Harry Potter beauty remained quiet on the social networking front.

Emma, 22, recently spilled the beans about her red carpet looks though, confessing she invests in a stylist as she can't show up in 'Converses or whatever I bought from High Street.'

Speaking to Glamour USA, the British star said: 'I have to at this point [have a stylist].

'When I was younger, I used to do it all myself, but I’ve had to get help as... I can’t show up in my Converses or whatever I bought from High Street. Just practically, these gowns are ridiculous.

'You’re being photographed from every angle, not only do you have to consider how the thing looks, but whether you’re going to be able to sit in it and if people are going to be able to see up your skirt.'

沪江娱乐快讯:上周末,由艾玛·沃特森、罗根·勒曼、埃兹拉·米勒主演的电影《壁花少年》(The Perks Of Being A Wallflower)在加拿大多伦多电影节举行盛大首映礼。当天,艾玛·沃特森一袭无袖刺绣短裙惊艳亮相,这身来自英国设计品牌艾尔丹姆 (Erdem)的装扮,将艾玛的姣好身材和玲珑气质烘托得恰到好处。据悉,这是艾玛特地请造型师设计的,因为她觉得“穿着在大街上买的便宜货和匡威鞋已经无法胜任媒体镜头多角度的扫射了”。


电影《壁花少年》(又译“壁花之巅”,The Perks of Being a Wallflower)改编自《吉屋出租》编剧史蒂夫·奇波斯基(Steve Chbosky)在1999年推出的同名小说。小说中的主人公是一位名叫“查理”的中学生,就读于宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市郊的一所高中。在学校,查理是一名天真可爱、性格有些内向的外来者。在成长过程中,他不得不应对与女友的关系、最好的朋友自杀以及自己身患精神疾病等棘手问题。小说通过查理写给陌生人的一封封书信,剖析了青春期男孩在性、毒品和生命价值等方面的困惑,并涉及同性恋话题,曾被美国图书协会列入少儿不宜书籍名单。




one's thunder: 抢别人的风头

来源:英国17世纪大戏剧家约翰·丹尼生对英国戏剧的背景、道具作了许多大胆的探索和创新。他首次在自己的剧本Appius and Vinginia中使用了雷声这种戏剧音响手段。遗憾的是,这个剧不受观众欢迎,丹尼生为此收回了这个剧本。然而事隔不久莎士比亚的戏剧Macbeth (《麦克白》)演出时使用了雷声轰鸣这种音响形式,丹尼生听后呼喊道:“My God.The villains will play my thunder but not my plays.”(天啊,这些小人们不上演我的戏剧却演出了我的雷声。)

