It's a framing mechanism familiar from Fiennes' work in The English Patient, and here he's reunited old Minghella alumnus Kristin Scott Thomas. She's graduated from love interest to the mum of the love interest, Catherine Ternan, a woman who may have a thing or two to say about the novelist's controlling ways.

沪江娱乐:本片的故事架构与范恩斯之前参演的《英国病人》(The English Patient)略有相似之处。当年与他共同参演安东尼·明格拉(Anthony Minghella)执导的《英国病人》的克莉丝汀·斯科特·托马斯( Kristin Scott Thomas)也将在本片里与范恩斯再度合作。不过这次,她扮演的角色从恋爱对象升级为恋爱对象的母亲。她将扮演特南的妈妈——凯瑟琳·特南(Catherine Terna),她对狄更斯狂热的控制欲了解很深。