Kurt (Chris Colfer) might still be in Ohio when Glee begins its Season 4 premiere his this fall, but don’t expect him to be sticking around for long! Photographers spotted Chris Colfer on August 2 filming a scene that will either air in either Season 4, Episode 1 or 2. Kurt had his suitcases packed and ready to go. So long, small town!

He may not have been accepted to NYADA, but Kurt has still found a way to end up in New York City. The fashion-forward teen has landed and internship at , working for a new character played by none other than Sex and the City’s Sarah Jessica Parker!

The job might be tough, but creator Ryan Murphy says Kurt is going to excel in this new world of fashion. “ KURT will triumph at . ;)” he tweeted on July 31. Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) isn’t the only one taking NYC by storm. Welcome to your new life, Kurt. We can’t wait to see all the amazing places you’ll go next!



这份工作也许会很艰辛,但制片人瑞恩·墨菲坚信科特会成为时尚界的一颗新星。7月31日,他在推特上写道:“科特将在赢得胜利。”奔赴纽约的可不止蕾切尔·贝瑞(Rachel Berry)一个!欢迎来到你的新生活,科特。我们和你一样期待精彩的未来。