Waitress:Can I get you started with some drinks?

Leonard:You were saying? But...

Penny:I'd like a drink.

Leonard:Just say the "but" thing about Doug and then I'll get her back.

Penny:I don't know, it's just me. I'm still getting over this breakup with Kurt and this thing with Doug would just be rebound sex.

Leonard:Don't get me started on rebound sex.

getting over
【释】 从(失恋中)恢复过来,忘却,宽恕
【例】Has Alice got over her former boyfriend yet?

rebound sex
【释】To rebound means to bounce back. So, rebound sex is when you've just gotten out of a relationship- typically a serious one, and you have sex with another person to either stick it to the one who dumped you or try to quiet your emotional hurt.
【例】Had a bad break-up? Try rebound sex.

生活大爆炸S01E03 MJE美剧笔记 举棋不定

