



21. A。 I don't mind 我不介意。

22. C。 考查冠词, with satisfaction 满意地, the finished painting 完成了的画,可以加the。

23. C。 一般现在时表示事物的一般属性和状态。在雪地上行走,走下去一步脚印就会显现出来。

24. D。主语从句,what作为do的宾语。

25. B。 although "但是",表转折。虽然你很脸熟,但是我很确定,我们以前没有见过。

26. D。so much the… 甚至更好或者更糟。

27. B。put down 写下、记下。

28. A。weather permitting 天气允许。独立主格结构。

29. A。half as + adj. + as

30. D。 needn't 不需要

31. C。 neither 两个都不。

32. D。(when it is)compared to

33. C。一般过去时。

34. B。Or 否则。

35. A。presuade 说服。


36.B 谚语“action speaks louder than words”事实胜于雄辩

37.D 身体释放更多的信息

38.D 真正意味着什么

39.C 重要性

40.C 身体当中的如此之多

41.A 在进一步解释,来举例子

42.B 根据后面的例子讲的是距离的问题

43.C bodily身体的 欧洲的人不喜欢跟人有身体接触

44.A 关系远一点的人指的是陌生人

45.B 表转折

46.B 对话中


48.A 更接近

49.C 下意识反应退后一步

50.D 认为你很冷漠


52.A 来自不同文化的人更容易产生误解

53.C 整篇文章讲的是误解


55.B 被对待



57.C 在青年艺术中心可以看木偶制作。

58.B 手可以摸上去的科学是通过做东西可以学科学。

59.C 本文可能来自博物馆指南。

60.B these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them 第一段,因为蜂巢很高藏着树里,所以很难找到。

61.C 跟随者指的是采蜂蜜的人。

62.A 蜂蜜向导鸟获得食物的方式比较特别。

63.D 本文的主要描写的是蜂蜜向导鸟。

64.C 群众演员,第一段得出。

65.B The picture looked so real that it made us feel cold. 第三段最后一句。因为画面太逼真所以感觉冷。

66.A 群众演员要表演的三分钟的戏。

67.A 第一段第一句,人们能够很好地记得小时候学到的东西。

68.D 第三段,作者通过举例来证明超量法则。

69.A 能够学会乘法口诀表的原因是超量学习的结果。第四段可以得出。

70.B 最后一段可以得出。突击学习在一定程度上是有帮助的,但是非常少。

71.C 不同的人感受到的压力是不同的。

72.F 不要忘记你的朋友。


74.E 首先要找出问题所在。

75.D 压力没有的时候真好


I learned early in life that I had to be more patient and little(改为less) aggressive. From the time I was about four until I was about six, I destroyed each of my toy(改为toys). I was happy when the toys worked, but when things did(改为 went) wrong, I got angry and broke it(改为them). For a while (^my)parents bought me new toys. But before long they began to see which(改为what) was happening. When I tear(改为tore) apart my fifth birthday toy train, my father said, "That's it. No more toys to(改为for) you." My punishment lasted a year. Meanwhile, I found out that with more patience I must(改为could/might) make my toys to(去掉to) last My attitude changed from then on.


Dear Sir or Madam, 

I am Li Hua. I learn from the Internet that you are organizing a summer camp in Singapore, which welcomes students from all over the world. As a senior high school student, I am very interested in the camp and eager to participate. I have been learning English for more than 10 years, and I can communicate with people in fluent English. Meanwhile, I regard this camp as a golden opportunity for me to introduce my motherland, China, to my overseas counterparts and get to know about their countries as well. I hope I will get admitted to your camp and I can’t wait for it.

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua