高考英语阅读填空题做题方法 一、阅读填空题的做题方法1. 先表后文,学会预测“先表后文”即指先读表格,了解表格内容和要求,再根据表格的要求快速阅读短文,这样便使阅读带有较强的目的性和针对性,从而有助于保证所获取的信息的准确性,同时,可以节省一遍的阅读时间,提高正确做题的速度。请看下面这样一个表格:   Where to go When to leave How to go
Group 1 Australia 1._________ By plane
Group 2 2._________ Before May Day 3. _________
Group 3 Hong Kong 4.____________ By sea
Group 4 The KK Lake On May 3 5.__________
…      …     …     …
通过对该表格的研究,我们可以预测:文章很可能讲的是几个小组去不同的地方旅游(当然也可能不是旅游而是做其他的事,但以旅游的可能性最大,因为他们所去的地方和所去的时间均较适合旅游),根据表头中的 where to go, when to leave, how to go 可知,相应各栏应分别填“去的地方”“去的时间”“去的方式”去的方式。通过这样的预测,我们即使不读文章,也对文章的大致内容有了个基本的了解,等下一步阅读时便有了明确的针对性了。2. 抓住大意,把握细节填空题在很大程度上是考查考生对所读材料细节的理解和把握,所以要想做好此题,考生一定要在弄懂大意的同时,充分把握所读材料的细节,尤其是与表格内容直接相关的细节,这是做好此题的关键。3. 分类整理,善于归纳出自己所需的有用信息。在通常情况下,表格所涉及的内容都具有一定的规律性,可能是同一个问题的几个不同方面,也可能是几个不同问题的同一个方面,或是几个不同问题的不同方面,等等。比如涉及几个物体的大小、形状、颜色、功能等,几项活动举行的时间、地点、原因、方式等,几个事件发生的背景、意义、重要性或危害性等。考生在做题时,既要注意相关信息的细节问题,更要注意这些细节的共性或规律,同时结合表格(尤其是表头)的要求,过滤出自己所需的信息。4. 寻找出处,对号入座由于阅读填空题要以所读材料为依据,所以,在通常情况下,每个空格的所填内容一般可从给定材料中找到出处或依据,考生在做题时要充分利用这一特点,将“空格”与“出处”对号入座,然后根据表格中已有信息的表现形式,准确填出所填之内容。同时,值得注意的是,如果表格所填信息与原文中的““出处”基本相同,则可直接对号入座;如果表格所填信息与原文中的“出处”有较大出入,则要进行适当的转换(尤其是同义转换或是加否定词的反义转换),然后确定答案。

5. 正确运算,同义转换简单的数字运算是填空题经GIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 21pt; LINE-HEIGHT: 18pt; mso-char-in常涉及的一个考点。一般说来,这类试题就运算本身来说并不难,难的是要在弄清文章意思的基础上,结合表格要求去进行运算。如果阅读材料中有这样一句:Bob was born in Ireland in 1954. His mother died when he was seven. 表格中要求我们填写Bob的母亲死于何年,那么只要我们能读懂这两个句子,便很容易算出答案是“1961年”。又如:假若文章中有这样一句…and you don’t have to pay for it…,表格中要求我们做下面这样一道题:Charge:_____. :_____. 通过同义转换,答案应填free。(当然,填对此答案的前提是你还要能理解 charge 的意思是“收费”) f6. 准确拼写,表述科学

 二、阅读填空题实战模拟 AAmericans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of in life: death and taxes. Many people feel that the United States has the worst taxes in the world.Taxes are the money that people pay to support their government. There are generally three levels of government in the United States: federal, states, and city; therefore, there are three types of taxes.Salaried people who earn more than four thousand dollars per year must pay a certain part of their salaries to the federal government, and the money is used to fund state workforce agencies. The percentage varies for different people. It depends on their salaries. The federal government has two-level income tax: that is, 15 or 28 percent. $17,850 is the cut off. The tax rate is 15 percent below $17,850 and 28 percent above. The second tax is for the state government: New York, California, or any of the other forty-eight states, including income tax and sales tax. Some states have an income tax similar to that of the federal government. Of course, the percentage for the state tax is lower, varying from 6% to 12%. Other states have a sales tax, which is a percentage charge to any item which people buy in the state. Some states use income tax and sales tax to raise their revenues.The third tax is for the city. This tax comes in two forms: One is property tax (residents who own a house have to pay taxes on it). The other is excise tax, which is collected on vehicles in a city. The cities use this money for education, police, public works, etc.Since Americans pay such high taxes, they often feel that they are working one day each. 1._____
 Percentage Taxpayers
Federal tax 3.________________ 28%  8._________________
income below $17, 850 6._______
2._____ income tax 6%—12% those who have an income
4._________________ unknown those who buy something
City tax 5.________________ unknown 9.__________________
excise tax 7._______ 10._________________

答案与解析:1. Types of taxes。根据文章第2段的内容和表格中同一竖栏中的 federal tax和city tax可推知答案。2. State tax。根据文章第2段的内容和本空前后的federal tax和federal taxcity tax可推知答案。3. income above $17, 850。根据第3段中的The federal government has two-level income tax: that is, 15 or 28 percent. $17,850 is the cut off. The tax rate is 15 percent below $17,850 and 28 percent above,同时结合本空下一栏中 income below $17850这一表达方式可推知答案。4. sales tax。根据第4段中的The second tax is for the state government: New York, California, or any of the other forty-eight states, including income tax and sales tax 和本空前面的 income tax可知答案。5. property tax。根据第5段内容可知答案。6. 15%。根据3段中的The federal government has two-level income tax: that is, 15 or 28 percent. $17,850 is the cut off. The tax rate is 15 percent below $17,850 and 28 percent above可知答案。7. unknown。文章并未提及excise tax 的税率,同时结合本空上面的两个unknown可知此处应填unknown。8. those who have an income above 4000 dollars。根据第3段内容可知答案。9. those who have a house。根据第5段中的...residents who own a house have to pay taxes on it 可知答案。10. those who have vehicles。根据第5段中的The other is excise tax, which is collected on vehicles in a city以及表格中本栏其他项的表达表式,可知此处应填空 those who have vehicles。 BThe teachers below are looking for a holiday to suit their students. Read the descriptions of the students and those of the holidays, and then complete the form. Robson’s students are studying French and German. She would like to speak both languages at some point while they’re away. 

Hilary’s students are fourteen years old. Some of them learn French, so she wants to find a holiday course which can offer individual(个别的) language lessons for those who would like to improve their French.  Rosie has a small group of students aged 12-15. They all want to sail but unfortunately some of them are unable to swim, although they’re eager to learn.  Pearson’s class has just started to learn Greek, but they are all fond of sailing. So Pearson wants a holiday for his students which mixes studying the language with plenty of free time to practice sailing.  John has a class of eleven year-olds who are crazy about sport. He’d like a course which organizes a complete programme including all kinds of sports, meal sand entertainments.  Jackson21.’s students are all from rich families. They are learning French and hope to have a trip in French-speaking country. Besides, they hope to have a pleasant and comfortable trip and the money is no problem.Smith teaches German to some boy students. They are different not only in age but also in level. So Smith would like to find a place where different levels of students can be treated in different ways.  
   No. 1  Summer Schools in the Czech Republic
Spend a week in a sports centre 15 minutes south of Prague. Each day’s programme is organized by our professional trainers for children aged10—14. Prices include breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as sightseeing trips.No. 2  Greek Sailing Holidays Arrive by air and then hire one of our new boats with all the latest equipment to sail around the Greek islands. These boats sleep up to twenty students and two teachers. Experienced Greek teachers and trained sailing staff are available but you must be able to swim. No. 3  Summer Courses in Finland If you love water sports you’ll love our one week sports holiday on the Finnish lakes. There are opportunities to swim, sail and water-ski. Lessons are available if you need them. There is also a chance to learn Finnish at no extra cost!Anyone 12 years old and above is welcome.  No. 4  Touring In France Fly to Paris and spend a few days sightseeing in this wonderful city before travelling on to Toulouse. All our tours have a French-speaking guide and accommodation(食宿) is in comfortable hotels. Prices include breakfast and evening meal only. No pets are allowed to bring with you.No. 5  Holiday Programmes in Germany We offer morning classes in the German language at all levels from beginners upwards. In the afternoon you are free to join our mountain walks or to go shopping in the nearby town. In the evening we organize a full programme of entertainments. All ages except females are welcome.  No. 6  Swiss Study Tours Using the excellent railway system we are off an unusual holiday, sport and study programme. Your hotelLINE is a train: eat and sleep on board and spend each day in a different part of Switzerland. There are plenty of opportunities to speak French, German and Italian, but some basic knowledge of foreign languages is necessary.No. 7  Summer School In France We offer summer schools for students between the ages of 12 and 16. Live with a French family and choose from a range of different activities including horse-riding, indoor hockey, football, swimming and dry skiing. Private language lessons arranged if requested. 
 Suitable for Unsuitable for
No. 1 1._________ those who are younger than 10 or older than 14
No. 2 2._________ those who can’t 3._________
No. 3 4._________ those who are 5._________
No. 4 6._________ those who bring 7._________ with them
No. 5 Smith 8._________
No. 6 9._________ those who know no foreign languages
No. 7 10.________ those who are younger than 12 or older than 16

答案与解析:1. John。John 的学生为11岁的孩子,且酷爱运动。他希望找一个能够organizes a complete programme including all kinds of sports, meal sand entertainments的地方,这刚好与No. 1的办班内容相符。2. Pearson。Pearson希望他的学生在培训班里ONT face=宋体>。Greek又能学习sailing,符合此要求的只有No. 2。3. swim。根据No. 2 最后一句话中的but you must be able to swim可知答案。4. Rosie。在七个培训班中,能提供sailing的只有No. 2和No. 3两个地方,但No. 2要求学员会游泳,而No. 3无此要求,只要求学员在12岁以上即可。故No 3适合Rosie。5. younger than 12。根据No. 3中的Anyone 12 years old and above is welcome 可知答案。6. Jackson。Jackson的学生均来自有钱人家,希望去一个讲法语的国家,且要求族途舒适,同时表明“钱不是问题“”。相比之下,只有No. 4最合适(注意关键词:fly to Paris,in comfortable hotels等)。7. pets。根据No. 4 中的No pets are allowed to bring with you 可知答案。8. girls and women。根据No. 5中的All ages except females are welcome 可知答案。句中的female意为“女性”女性。 9. Robson。Robson 的学生学习French and German,这刚好与No. 6 中的There are plenty of opportunities to speak French, German and…相吻合。
10. Hilary。Hilary教学生学法语,他想找一个能针对想提高法语水平的学生提供个别辅导的培训班,这刚好与No. 7中的Private language lessons arranged if requested 相吻合。