• 《纸牌屋》与真实政治的相似度

    看着足球比赛一样,这部剧是我们最邪恶思想的化身。[/cn] [en]So what is politics in reality, away from the gloss of cable TV drama? Mostly punishing incremental work. One inch forward, a great slide backwards. It’s good intentions felled by events. It’s good days and bad days. There are more stuff-ups than conspiracies. There is treachery, but it’s mainly suburban and small rather than grandly operatic. There are strong men who control weak men (yes, mainly men, although not exclusively). People fall in and out with each other, compromise themselves, fail to live up to their best aspirations, lose nerve and will. But then of course there are those great moments: courage, heart, bravery, truth. Acts of genuine reform, and acts of progress. The moments that make hope not ridiculous.[/en][cn]那么,拨开电视剧集中的云雾,现实生活中的政治是什么样子的呢?其实大部分都是惩罚性的增量活动,每向前一步,就有可能引起大规模倒退。好的意图总是被不好的事故击垮,好日子和坏日子交替出现。这里有比阴谋更黑暗的东西,有背叛,但是无伤大雅。强权人物控制弱势的下属,人与人之间的关系很不稳定,他们向对方承诺,而又辜负了对方的最大期望,逐渐失去的勇气和憧憬。当然,政治界也有美好的因素,那就是胆识、爱心、勇气和真相。货真价实的改革、不断的进步和那些给与人们希望而非荒谬言论的作为。[/cn] [en]The thing that House of Cards absolutely nails, however, is the dangerous malaise of the present. Institutions are being hollowed out, making them ripe for gaming. Democratic politics around the world is corroding in the face of an entrenched culture of deal-making and voracious demands by third party interests.[/en][cn]《纸牌屋》真正展示的,是现实生活中的骇人诟病。国家制度被日益掏空,不断被人玩弄于掌间。在第三方利益专断思想和贪婪需求的面前,全世界的民主政治日趋被腐蚀殆尽。[/cn] [en]If you want the truth that House of Cards conveys to the viewer, it is this: more rubbish rises to the surface in this weightless world. The cacophony can conceal truth, not reveal it. Frank Underwood, compelling creature that he is, exists only in our dreams. [/en][cn]如果你想知道《纸牌屋》传达的信息真谛,那么我在这里告诉你们:在这个失重的世界里,越来越多的垃圾浮出水面,不和谐的音符盖住了原有的真相, Frank Underwood 这个引人注目的角色,真的只存在于人们的梦境中。[/cn]

  • 《纸牌屋》大热:编剧受邀改写《战争与和平》

    on the John Le Carre book. The BBC aired a War and Peace series with Anthony Hopkins from 1972-1974. 沪江影音快讯: BBC近期向大热网络剧《纸牌屋》的编剧Andrew Davies约稿,证实了将改编经典名著、托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》。BBC曾在1972年到1974年间播出《战争与和平》,这次翻拍的短剧预计将有6个小时时长,将于2015年面世。此次改编将展示原著中的更多细节,并重点关注社交、家庭冲突、爱情等方面。

  • 超高评分美剧《纸牌屋》:什么是House of Cards?

    到了9分以上,足见这部1990年代经典英剧的魅力。此次翻拍的前两集由大导演大卫芬奇操刀,他曾执导过众多悬疑经典电影,包括《本杰明·巴顿奇事》、《社交网络》、《七宗罪》、《搏击俱乐部》等。除他以外,老戏骨凯文·史派西的加盟也让这部政治惊悚剧看点多多。 要小编说,这部剧中有很多美国的“政治梗”。如果能完全看懂,你也对美国现代的历史政治有了一定程度的了解。总之,这是一部需要“费脑子”的剧…… 【剧情简介】 凯文·史派西饰演的角色名叫Francis Underwood,美国国会众议院多数党督导(或称多数党党鞭 the House Majority Whip in the United States Congress)。他是个政治家中的政治家,老练成熟,有令人崇拜的领导范儿,很有魅力,也很无情。他的成功来自于一个事实,他和妻子Claire(罗宾·怀特饰演)将不惜一切代价,爬上权力的顶峰…… 《纸牌屋》改编自迈克尔·道布斯(Michael Dobbs)的同名政治惊悚小说。这里"House"想来应该指的是众议院。故事的背景被设纸牌屋定在撒切尔夫人(Margaret Thatcher)作为英国首相的最后阶段。1990年的原版聚焦在前保守党秘书长身上,他跟随了一位非常渴望成为新首相的政客。而芬奇的版本则将整个设定都搬去了美国,但是故事依旧不变,还是侧重在各种政治野心和blackmail勒索的问题漩涡中。 【House of Cards是什么?】 House of cards 是一个固顶搭配,意思是“纸牌搭的房子”。就是用扑克牌搭起来的、像金字塔的一个三角,如下图: 比如“水果姐”Katty Perry的Firework中,有一句歌词就是:“Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin. Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in.” (你有没有感觉过自己像纸一样纤弱,像纸牌屋一样风一吹就倒)。 而在这部政治剧中,House这个词有双关语,同样代指“议院”的House。而cards,也暗指了政客间互相欺诈的游戏态度。 (以上资料由沪江小编综合整理自时光网和知乎) 【纸牌屋预告片】

  • 【剧中人】纸牌屋

    撑着 克里斯蒂娜 Christina: Paul...there are 600,000 people counting on us.I can't let my feelings get in the way of that. Will you hear me out about running for Peter's seat? 有60万人指纸牌屋望着我们呢 我不能因为个人感情影响工作 可以听我把竞选的事说完了吗   请注意!参与本活动须使用沪江全新语音学习软件CCTalk,使用指南如下: 1. 注册沪江网获得用户名(已是沪江用户的不必注册); 2. 点击下载CCtalk学习软件; 3. 软件安装结束后,输入沪江网的用户名和密码登陆CCtalk; 4. 点击下图中用红圈标注的“学习中心”; 5. 找到“考研大厅”位置,点击进入; 6. 讲座期间进入商务英语大厅后,如果想发言,请点击下图中的“举手”(蓝色按钮),被主持人选中后就可以发言。说话的时候可以看到麦克进度条在随麦克声音发生变化,别人说话也可以看到耳机或扬声器的进度条在变化。

  • 《纸牌屋》第二季可能是最终季(预告)

    [en]The reign of "House Of Cards" may be short-lived. According to executive producer Rick Cleveland, the upcoming 13-episode Season 2 is likely to be the show's last.[/en][cn]《纸牌屋

  • 《纸牌屋》第三季被续订

    [en]"House of Cards" has been renewed for a third season before its second season has even premiered on Netflix, a rep for the streaming site confirms to Zap2it. [/en][cn]Netflix网站向Zap2it网站确认,虽然《纸牌屋》第二季还未开播,不过该网站已经决定要续订《纸牌屋》第三季。[/cn] [en]Details about number of episodes or a premiere date have not been released, but both Season 1 and Season 2 have 13 episodes and spring premieres, so it's a safe bet that Season 3 will also have 13 episodes and premiere in spring 2015.[/en][cn]关于第三季的具体集数和开播日期等细节还未发布,不过根据第一、二季的开播日期和集数可以推断,《纸牌屋》第三季仍然会在春季档开播,第三季仍然会是13集。[/cn] [en]The critically-acclaimed series received nine Emmy and four Golden Globe nominations, with star Robin Wright winning for best actress in a drama. It also recently won the Writers Guild of America award for best new series. Wright tells The Wrap that Season 3 begins shooting soon and when asked if she could see the series going for multiple years after that, she says, "Sure, bring it on."[/en][cn]这部广受好评的剧集收获了艾美奖、金球奖的9项提名,Robin Wright拿下了剧集类最佳女演员的奖项。而且还拿纸牌屋到了美国编剧工会奖的最佳新剧。Wright透露,《纸牌屋》第三季将会在近期开播,当被问到她会不会一直把这部剧演下去,她的回答是“当然,那必须的。”[/cn]

  • 《纸牌屋》第五季首支预告片发布

    [en]House of Cards' fifth season arrives May 30, and on Monday, Netflix released the first full trailer for the season.[/en] [cn]《纸牌屋》第五季将会在北京时间5月31日回归,Netflix网站发布了第五季首支预告片。[/cn] 声明:音视频均来自互联网链接,仅供学习使用。本网站自身不存储、控制、修改被链接的内容。"沪江网"高度重视知识产权保护。当如发现本网站发布的信息包纸牌屋含有侵犯其著作权的链接内容时,请联系我们,我们将依法采取措施移除相关内容或屏蔽相关链接。 [en]"The American people don't know what's best for them. I do. I know exactly what they need. They're like little children, Claire. We have hold their sticky fingers and wipe their sticky mouths. Teach them right from wrong. Tell them what to think and how to feel and what to want. They even need help writing their wildest dreams. Crafting their worst fears. Lucky for them, they have me. They have you. Underwood 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036. One nation, Underwood."[/en] [cn]“美国人不知道什么才是最适合他们的,但是我知道,我知道他们最需要什么。他们就像小孩 ,Clair。我们抓住他们黏糊糊的手,帮他们擦干净黏糊糊的嘴,教会他们什么是对什么是错。告诉他们怎样思考,怎样感受,他们需要什么。他们要我们帮他们写下他们最疯狂的梦想,编制他们最大的恐惧。有我,真是他们的幸运。他们有你,Underwood 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036。只有一个国家,那就是Underwood。”[/cn] [en]House of Cards Season 5 arrives on Netflix Tuesday, May 30.[/en] [cn]《纸牌屋》第五季将会在北京时间5月31日回归Netflix网站。[/cn]

  • 《纸牌屋》第二季预告片及独家报道

      [en]House of Cards is adding a pair of aces to its Season 2 deck.[/en][cn]《纸牌屋》第二季中会出现一对王牌演员。 [/cn] [en]TVLine has learned exclusively that Mad Men actor Sam Page and Deadwood alum Molly Parker have joined the Netflix drama’s stellar cast. Details on their characters, as well as the length of their respective stints, are being kept under lock and key. [/en][cn]TVLine 报道的独家新闻声称,《广告狂人》中的 Sam Page 和《死木》中的 Molly Parker 都将成为下一季的主要演员。关于他们所饰演的角色的细节部分,以及每人在剧中的戏份轻重,我们都无从得知。 [/cn] [en]In addition to his recurring role as Joan’s estranged hubby on Mad Men, Page has appeared on Gossip Girl, Switched at Birth and, more recently, ABC’s short-lived Last Resort. Parker, meanwhile, starred in NBC’s ill-fated adaptation of The Firm. [/en][cn]Page 除了在《广告狂人》中饰演一个常驻角色—Joan 冷漠的丈夫之外,还在《绯闻女孩》、《错位青春》以及最新播出的 ABC 实景短片 《破釜沉舟》中有所表现。而 Parker 则出演了 NBC 的改编版 《糖衣陷阱》。[/cn] 第二季预告片:

  • 《纸牌屋》第三季被提前曝光

    [en]Netflix [w=scramble]scrambled[/w] on Wednesday after accidentally posting 10 episodes of the political drama's third season - two weeks ahead of its scheduled release date of Friday, Feb. 27.[/en][cn]Netflix周三意外发布即将开播的《纸牌屋》第三季前十集掀起了轩然大波——《纸牌屋》第三季的开播时间应该是27日,也就是说提早两周就被提前曝光。[/cn] [en]Mere minutes

  • 美剧词汇精讲:《纸牌屋》triumph

    本期美剧词汇选自《纸牌屋》S04E13。 原声台词音频: [en]We will be confronted with the most horrific aspects of humanity. We will confront the inhuman. Evil itself. But we will triumph. It is not a war we will lose. [/en][cn]我们会面对人性中最可怕的一面,我们会面对人性的丧失,乃至邪恶本身。但我们一定会取得胜利。这场战争我们不会输。[/cn] Triumph 例句音频示范(BY呵呵) [en]A triumph