Laura Linney's Cathy will get a hand in her bid to find joy when cancer survivor Susan Sarandon's Joy Kleinman arrives to help her find a path to happiness on The Big C.

In the newly launched third season of the Showtime comedy, Cathy -- now that she's been given more time thanks to the wonders of a clinical trial -- is trying desperately to find what makes her happy when she enrolls in a seminar led by Sarandon's "joyologist," Joy.

"She's a combination of these women that are like, 'I'm always perfect and I can get through anything,' and who think they can give you control of your own universe," showrunner Jenny Bicks told The Hollywood Reporter. "Basically you can control whether you get sick or stay well."

"By going to this seminar, Cathy discovers that she hasn't really been in touch with what her joy is about and it sets her off on a journey for the season that will be very eye opening for everybody in terms of what joy means to her and how to be really happy," she says.

Check out a pair of photos, exclusive to THR, of Sarandon's first appearance on The Big C as well as a promo for her appearance, below.

沪江娱乐快讯:Showtime电视网癌症题材黑色喜剧《如果还有明天》(The Big C)新季将迎来一位重量级明星加盟,她就是曾凭借《死囚漫步》获封奥斯卡影后的苏珊·萨兰登(Susan Sarandon)。美国《好莱坞报道》今天抢先发布了两张她出演的剧照。

据悉,苏珊·萨兰登将在《如果还有明天》中扮演一个癌症痊愈的女人Joy,通过自己与癌症抗争的经验激励和鼓舞同命相连的人,她将与剧中女主角——正与癌症斗争的Cathy(劳拉·琳妮 饰演)——结为好朋友。这个角色将出现在多集中,将从4月22日开始首次登场。

除了在银幕上的出色表现,苏珊·萨兰登也在荧屏上发光发热,她曾客串过《火线救援》(Rescue Me)、《急诊室的故事》(ER)、 《老友记》(Friends) 和《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)等,曾四次获得电视艾美奖提名。这次不再以客串身份加盟电视剧,表现值得大家期待。