Tom Hiddleston has dropped some hints about the upcoming sequel to Thor. The actor will reprise his role as Loki for a third time in Thor: The Dark World, following his turns in 2011's Thor and this year's The Avengers.
"I don't want to give too much away. But I can guarantee that you won't be disappointed," Hiddleston told Total Film. "[Director] Alan Taylor's vision of Thor 2 is utterly brilliant. "The journey continues in the most epic dimension and proportion imaginable. It's very, very exciting."
Hiddleston went on to discuss what it is about Loki that he enjoys playing most, pinpointing the character's vulnerability and feelings of inferiority within his family. "Underneath the steely cold veneer of his trickster charm is a certain vulnerability and sensitivity - the wounded fragility of an outcast brother and son. "His mind is a box of cats though! But I love him." Hiddleston recently admitted that he initially thought he had "been rubbish" in Thor.
Thor: The Dark World will be released on November 8, 2013.
沪江娱乐快讯: 汤姆-希德勒斯顿(Tom Hiddleston)透露了一些关于《雷神》(Thor)续集的消息。继2011年的《雷神》和今年的《复仇者联盟》(The Avengers)之后,这位男星将在《雷神:黑暗世界》(Thor:The Dark World)里第三次出演洛基(Loki)这一角色。
“我不想透露太多。但是我可以保证你不会败兴而归,”希德勒斯顿在接受Total Film采访时说。“(导演)阿兰·泰勒对雷神续集的设想非常棒。”“故事在极尽想象力和史诗般的背景中继续。这非常,非常令人激动。”