Beauty and the Beast could be returning to TV. ABC is developing a new version of the classic fairy tale romance from Human Target and Jericho writer-producer Jonathan E. Steinberg. The one-hour fantasy drama is described as an “epic re-imagining” of the tale.

Beauty and the Beast joins a host of name-brand projects in the running for broadcast’s next pilot season, including a Frankenstein, Romancing the Stone and Munsters project at NBC and a Bewitched remake at CBS. Of course, Beast would follow not one but two fairy tale inspired dramas hitting the air this fall — NBC’s Grimm and ABC’s Once Upon a Time. Hmm, if only ABC could get the 1980s CBS version’s original staff writer George R.R. Martin back … (but then he’d probably kill off the Beast at the end of the first season).


他的眼睛。他深邃的蓝色眼睛。在Grace公主(露丝·布莱德利(Ruth Bradley)饰演)遇到Shiro(戴利尔斯·坎贝尔(Darius Campbell)饰演)之前,她一直梦到他那双令人难忘的眼睛。尽管Shiro的外表就像野兽一样丑陋,但Grace公主深深知道,他们之间存在无法被切断的纽带。在这部和《传说》(Once Upon A Time)类似的史诗爱情剧中,经典迪斯尼童话《美女与野兽》被彻底改写,故事设定在一个远比童话世界更玄奥、更危险的新世界中。

肯丹王国正处于战争中,然而它的领袖Dorian躺在病榻之上,已经奄奄一息。在议会长老Cyril(F·莫里·亚伯拉罕(F. Murray Abraham)饰演)的辅佐下,年轻任性的Grace公主全面代理朝政。Grace公主很快发现贵族、大臣和高级将领中有人通敌卖国--一个叛徒用毒药毒害了她的父亲。为了拯救父亲的生命,Grace公主毅然离开未婚夫Garrick(克里斯·艾根(Chris Egan)饰演)去寻找解药。这是一趟充满艰难险阻的旅程,她跑遍了许多地域,最终被一个神秘但是身世可怜的怪兽绑架。Grace公主对这个名叫Shiro的怪物产生了好奇心,而Shiro似乎也对美丽的公主很有好感。尽管Shiro忠于Grace公主的敌人,但他还是放走了Grace公主,让她回家去救她的父亲。
