马特波莫matt bomer(右)&simon halls

Matthew Staton Bomer (born October 11, 1977) is an American film, stage and television actor, best known as the star of the USA Network television series White Collar, which premiered in 2009.

Making his television debut with Guiding Light in 2001, Bomer received notice with his recurring role in the NBC television series Chuck as Bryce Larkin. Bomer has featured in supporting roles in such films as the 2005 thriller Flightplan and the 2011 science fiction thriller In Time.

孔雀与CEO妥妥的放在第一个!前不久,多才多艺的好莱坞男星马特波莫宣布出柜,公开与好莱坞经济公司CEOsimon halls的恋人关系。其实,喜欢孔雀的粉们都知道两人在一起已经有一段时间了,CEO一直在幕后默默地支持马特的事业。在CEO的协助下,孔雀才可以在如此短的时间内人气如此急速上升。抛开这些不说,两人感情十分稳定,并一同领养了三个孩子。霸气攻与傲娇受的代表。

亚当·兰伯特Adam Lambert(右)&Sauli Koskinen

Adam Mitchel Lambert (born January 29, 1982) is an American singer-songwriter and stage actor. Born in Indianapolis but raised in San Diego, Lambert had dreamed of becoming a performer after appearing in numerous amateur productions in his childhood and adolescence. His passion overtook him when deciding to drop out of college, pursue his career, and perform in various professional theatrical productions across the world.

不羁的黑发,魅惑的眼线,双手涂着黑色指甲油,这已经成为亚当·兰伯特(Adam Lambert)的标志,这位被誉为“Rock God”的音乐天才,这位刚出道便已赢得众多关注的乐坛新星,他用一场又一场演唱会级别的演出,攻陷着每一位挑剔听者的耳朵;他用华丽挥霍的嗓音,激情四射的舞台,阳光灿烂的笑容,善良幽默的品性与摄人心魄的魅力,虏获了无数歌迷的心。亚当·兰伯特 (Adam Lambert)和芬兰男友Sauli Koskinen在一起的时间虽然不长,两人的感情却不浅。两人一起逛街或者出席活动,形影不离的样子让人称羡。

瑞奇·马丁 (Ricky Martin) 和 Carlos Gonzalez Abella

Enrique "Ricky" Martín Morales (born December 24, 1971), better known as Ricky Martin, is a Puerto Rican and Spanish pop singer, actor and wrestler who achieved prominence, first as a member of the Latin boy band Menudo, then as a solo artist since 1991. Throughout his career, he has sold more than 60 million albums worldwide. He is the founder of the Ricky Martin Foundation (in Spanish Fundación Ricky Martin), a non-profit charity organization aimed at ending human trafficking.

瑞奇·马丁(Ricky Martin)在2010年通过自己的官方网站亲笔写下“出柜宣言”,宣言中他说道:“我很自豪的说我是个幸运的同志,也很高兴做自己。”早在前几年,瑞奇·马丁(Ricky Martin)通过代孕妈妈生下双胞胎儿子,他是Gay的传闻就层出不穷,而在电视节目上被主持人逼问是否是同性恋时,瑞奇·马丁(Ricky Martin)都没有承认。如今,瑞奇·马丁(Ricky Martin)和伴侣Carlos Gonzalez Abella早就毫无畏惧地出现在公众面前。勇敢地面对自己才重要!

米帅Wentworth Miller(左)&Luke McFarlane

Wentworth Earl Miller III (born June 2, 1972) is an American actor, model and screenwriter. He rose to stardom following his role as Michael Scofield in the Fox Network television series Prison Break.


卡尔文·克莱恩Calvin Klein& 尼克·格鲁伯Nick Gruber

Calvin Richard Klein (born November 19, 1942) is an American fashion designer who launched the company that would later become Calvin Klein Inc. in 1968. In addition to clothing, Klein has also given his name to a range of perfumes, watches, and jewelry.

现年68岁的卡尔文·克莱恩(Calvin Klein)除了经常带着小男友尼克·格鲁伯(Nick Gruber)出席活动,亲昵地出现在众人面前,还为爱人一掷千金,在今年尼克·格鲁伯(Nick Gruber)生日时包下整个高级餐厅为尼克庆祝生日,甚至还有传言说最近卡尔文·克莱恩(Calvin Klein)为小男友尼克·格鲁伯(Nick Gruber)买了一栋豪宅,虽说高调,却也是一种表达爱的方式。这一点上,他与老佛爷真是一样一样儿的!

尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯Neil Patrick Harris&David Burtka

Neil Patrick Harris (born June 15, 1973) is an American actor, singer, director, and magician.

因美剧《老爸老妈罗曼史》而走红的尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯(Neil Patrick Harris)和David Burtka(剧中莉莉的高中男友)2004年开始在一起,2006年,尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯(Neil Patrick Harris)在接受采访时正式出柜。与之前预测的不同,尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯(Neil Patrick Harris)的出柜并没有对《老爸老妈罗曼史》产生不利的影响,恰恰相反,尼尔的人气不降反升。在2010年,尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯(Neil Patrick Harris)和David Burtka通过代孕获得一对双胞胎宝宝,组成了幸福的家庭。


“谢耳朵”Jim Parsons(左) 和Todd Spiewak

James Joseph "Jim" Parsons (born March 24, 1973) is an American television and film actor. He is best known for playing Sheldon Cooper on the CBS sitcom The Big Bang Theory, with his performance often cited as a significant reason for the program's success.He has received several awards for his performance.

热门美剧《生活大爆炸》中的“谢耳朵”吉姆·帕森斯(Jim Parsons)在2010年9月份斩获艾美奖“最佳喜剧男演员”后便向交往3年的男友Todd Spiewak求婚,并当场得到了Todd Spiewak的同意,两人正式定下婚约,喜结良缘。不过却有消息传出,两人因为婚后要不要孩子的问题产生了分歧,Todd非常想要个孩子,而吉姆·帕森斯(Jim Parsons)不想要,导致两人的婚礼被押后。经过这次分歧,“谢耳朵”吉姆·帕森斯(Jim Parsons)也决定重新考虑孩子的问题。

约翰·巴洛曼 John Barrowman (左) 和Scott Gill

John Scot Barrowman (born March 11, 1967) is a Scottish–American actor, singer, dancer, musical theatre performer, writer and television personality. Born in Glasgow, he grew up in Illinois following his family's emigration to the U.S. Encouraged by his high school teachers, Barrowman studied performing arts at the United States International University in San Diego before landing the role of Billy Crocker in Cole Porter's Anything Goes in London's West End.

因英剧《神秘博士》而走红的性感帅哥约翰·巴洛曼 (John Barrowman) 和建筑师男友Scott Gill相遇于1993年,当时两人是在剧院相遇的,之后Scott Gill还看了约翰·巴洛曼(John Barrowman)表演的音乐剧。两人1994年开始在一起,至今已有17年。低调的约翰·巴洛曼(John Barrowman)在2006年和Scott Gill签署了Civil partners协议,成为民事伴侣。当被媒体采访时,约翰·巴洛曼(John Barrowman)解释道他和Scott Gill并不将之称为结婚,也不会有任何庆祝典礼,因为他们对同性结婚这一概念并不赞成。其实两位金发碧眼的帅哥的真爱不需要高调地炫耀,只要能长长久久在一起,结不结婚,庆不庆祝都是浮云。

汤姆·福特 Tom Ford(左)& Richard Buckley

Thomas Carlyle "Tom" Ford (born August 27, 1961)[2] is an American fashion designer and film director. He gained international fame for his turnaround of the Gucci fashion house and the creation of the Tom Ford label before directing the Oscar-nominated film A Single Man.

设计师汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)和伴侣Richard Buckley在一起已经24年了,两人的爱情可谓长寿。Richard Buckley是《Vogue Hommes》的前总编,1986年25岁的Tom Ford遇到38岁的Richard Buckley,当Tom Ford回忆这段经历的时候,说:“当你看着某些人的时候,你就觉得你们已经认识很久了。那天晚上我和Richard一起喝酒,我觉得自己好像能了解他的所有事情。”之后Tom Ford只花了乘坐一次电梯的时间便决定要和Richard结婚。

当张扬不羁的汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)遇到了Richard,他立马变得“老实”起来,当Richard身患绝症,汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)也不离不弃,当Richard死里逃生,汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)放弃了纽约的事业与Richard搬回欧洲。他们的故事,令你感动了吗?

David Furnish(左)和埃尔顿·约翰爵士(Sir Elton John)

Sir Elton Hercules John, CBE (born Reginald Kenneth Dwight on 25 March 1947) is an English rock singer-songwriter, composer, pianist and occasional actor. He has worked with lyricist Bernie Taupin as his songwriter partner since 1967; they have collaborated on more than 30 albums to date.

英国著名的流行歌手埃尔顿·约翰爵士(Sir Elton John)和他的伴侣大卫·费尼什(David Furnish)在2010年圣诞节喜得贵子,两人通过代孕妈妈,生下了他们爱的结晶并将宝宝取名为扎迦利·杰克逊·列冯·费尼许-约翰 (Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John)。如今在一起将近20年的埃尔顿·约翰爵士(Sir Elton John)和大卫·费尼什(David Furnish)还经常一起出席活动,感情十分稳定,也许因为有可爱的宝宝了而更有爱吧!